Star Trek Expanded Universe

The 182nd Tactical Fighter Wing was a Federation Starfleet tactical fighter wing assigned to Unity Three Starbase in the 25th century. (Star Trek: False Vacuum)

In 2415 the 182nd was comprised of several squadrons, several of which were more transportation-oriented than actually combat-oriented.

Captain Tara Whitten was wing commander from 2406 to 2409.

Whereas False Vacuum Squadron took part in the Battle of Azkapanama on the ground, Shuttle, Telesto and Transport Squadrons took part in the air battle, with Powerleveling Squadron taking part in the late stages of the battle. (Star Trek: False Vacuum: "Murder Grove")

Courtney Ghergetta described the 182nd as a hive nest of literature. And Ariane Binks took command of the 182nd in 2424, while Kenza Obvious became the commanding officer of the 182nd in 2430. (Star Trek: False Vacuum: "Scrap Yard Vegas")
