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20th century - 21st century - 22nd century |
- The Bell Riots occur in San Francisco in September of this year. (DS9: "Past Tense")
- The Irish Reunification takes place this year, which later historians will view as an example of a positive outcome to terrorist acts. (TNG: "The High Ground")
- Timothy Sinclair, transported from the year 2384, participates in the Reunification. (Star Trek: Pendragon: "That Solemn Starlight")
- A crewed mission to Europa is launched; Renée Picard is one of the astronauts on the mission. (Star Trek: Picard S2)
- USS Accord (CG-82) is destroyed by cruise missile fired by a Brazilian Confederation vessel during the South Atlantic Conflict. (Star Trek: Accord “The USS Accord Fictional Timeline v. 3.0”)
- An impulse-drive starship, sponsored by the Western Alliance and barely able to make one-quarter lightspeed, establishes an outpost on one of the worlds of Alpha Centauri. (The Starfleet Museum: Bison-Class Transports)