2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 |
2000s 2010s 2020s 2030s 2040s 2050s 2060s |
20th century - 21st century - 22nd century |
- February
- 7 February: NASA loses contact with the Charybdis, and launches the Jacob to conduct a follow-up mission to locate the Charybdis (TNG: "The Royale").
- April
- President Ayad al-Maliki gives the Graceful End speech in Ramadi. “If we must weep, let it not be for the fallen, but for ourselves. For our kinsmen met their fates in our service, and found rest in Allah. We live on only in the hope of gaining what they now possess, for they have attained the Graceful End.” (Star Trek: Excelsior - Sunset)
- August
- 12 August: Amanda Tiburón is born on the Enterprise, to Oscar Tiburón and Tracey Carter. (In Between Days: Entanglements)
- September
- 18 September: Valleri Rostov is born on the Enterprise, to Judy Kelly and Michael Rostov. (In Between Days: The Three of Us)
- November
- 5 November: Steven MacKenzie is born on the Enterprise, to Jennifer Crossman and Aidan MacKenzie. (In Between Days: Everybody Knows This is Nowhere)
Assignments and promotions[]
- October
- 25 October:
- Charles Tucker III is promoted to full commander. Malcolm Reed is promoted to commander.
- Hoshi Sato, Travis Mayweather and Aidan MacKenzie are promoted to lieutenant.
- Karin Bernstein, Azar Hamidi, Maryam Haroun, Diana Jones, Chandrasekar Khan, Andrew Miller, Shelby Pike, Joshua Rosen and Craig Willets are promoted to ensign.
- Distinguished service medals are given out to Karin Bernstein, Maryam Haroun, Chandrasekar Khan, Andrew Miller, Shelby Pike and Craig Willets.
- Julie McKenzie is promoted to sergeant. Susie Money and Franklin Thomas Todd are promoted to corporal. (In Between Days: The Three of Us)