2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 |
2040s 2050s 2060s 2070s 2080s 2090s 2100s |
21st century - 22nd century - 23rd century |
- The "Post-Atomic Horror" period after World War III on Earth approaches its end. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint")
- Several minor post-war skirmishes continue as the Optimum Movement and Eastern Coalition governments are near death, with collapse of the Optimum-controlled United States of America and Optimal Republic of Great Britain being the final death blows to the Optimum Movement. The United Kingdom and her monarchy are restored. (Novel: Federation, Star Trek: The Adventures of Argus: "Nuclear Time")
- Earth establishes one of its first extrasolar colonies at Wolf 359 by this year, Stapledon Center. (TNG novel: Federation)