Star Trek Expanded Universe
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717th SO MSG
717th Guidon

The 717th Marine Strike Group was a group until it was deactivated.(Citation needed)


Background information[]

  • The 717th Marine Strike Group was one of two MSGs assigned to the Seventh Brigade, First Battalion in the Starfleet Marine Corps during the 23rd and 24th centuries.
  • 717th Marine Strike Group is a Special Operations unit assigned to the USS DeBraak.  Their nickname is The Running Ghosts. Their motto is "You Speak, We Sneak..."
  • In 2385, the 717th MSG's OIC was Lieutenant Colonel Brian A. Crist. The DOIC was Captain Ponch Fenwick and the NCOIC was Gunnery Sergeant Brent Henry Jr.
  • Currently, the 717th MSG is deactivated.