Star Trek Expanded Universe

"A Problem of Titan Proportions" is the fourth episode of the Star Trek: Valkyrie audio series.


The Valkyrie proceeds to a rendezvous near the Neutral Zone under a complete communications blackout. After an important passenger and his aide are transported to another ship, it then explodes with the apparent loss of all hands. The situation is uncovered as a plot by a major enemy of the Federation to steal a starship and its technology.

Main cast[]

Guest starring[]

  • Christopher S. Carothers as the President of the Federation
  • Allyrton Lewis as Romulan Commander Re'Tok
  • David Ault as Mr. Locke
  • Chris (CJCA915) as Captain of the USS Bismarck
  • Desere' Chambers as the Captain's Yeoman


  • The recording script of "A Problem of Titan Proportions" states that this Federation President is the same as the one seen in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. He is named as Ra-ghoratreii, an Efrosian, in the novelization of the movie.


"The President is a busy man Captain!"
— Mr. Locke
"War is how borders are defined, Captain. The Neutral Zone was defined over a century ago; if war comes, it will seal the destiny of the quadrant for another century."
— Commander Re'Tok


AndorConstitution-classEarthEarth-Romulan WarExcelsior-classHuanPresident of the FederationRomulan Neutral ZoneTitan IncidentUSS Titan (NCC-2014)USS Valkyrie (NCC-2590)Vulcan

External links[]
