The admiral military rank usually is amongst the highest rank officers can obtain in a naval service organization amongst several civilizations. The rank below admiral is usually captain, and the difference between the ranks is whereas a captain usually is the commanding officer of one starship, starbase or unit, an admiral is the commanding officer of several starships (or a fleet or armada of ships). In ground-based militaries, the equivalent of this rank would usually be a general. Earth Starfleet, Federation Starfleet, the Romulan Star Empire and the Klingon Empire all use this rank in some form. The Cardassian equivalent is legate.
Ar'nal was a Romulan rank that was roughly equivalent to the rank of admiral used by other militaries. (The Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of Armageddon) The equivalent rank in the Rihannsu tongue was enriov. (Bait and Switch: Saith Daepahr hrrafv Llaiirevha glossary)
Starfleet uses several grades of this rank. The different grades are sometimes referred to by the number of "stars" on the respective grade's insignia. (USS Baldwin: "Frontiers")
The grades are:
- rear admiral, lower half or commodore (1 star);
- rear admiral (2 stars);
- vice admiral (3 stars);
- admiral (4 stars); and
- fleet admiral (5 stars).
Starfleet insignia[]
22nd century | 2230s |
2250s | 2260s-2270s | Early 2270s (Shoulders/Sleeves) |
Late 2270s-2350s (Shoulders/Sleeves) |
2350s-2360s | 2360s-2370s service uniform |
2360s-2370s duty uniform |
2370s-2380s |
Early 2380s | Mid 2380s | 2390s |
Alternate realities[]
2250s | 2380s-2400s | 2390s | 29th century |
Romulan admiralty[]
Like Starfleet, the Romulan Star Navy used several grades of the rank. (RIS Bouteina; Romulan names indicated with their Starfleet equivalents in brackets)
- Galae'Enriov (fleet admiral)
- Khre'Enriov (admiral)
- Enriov (vice admiral)
- Khre'Riov (rear admiral; either half)
Romulan insignia[]
Romulan Star Navy 23rd century |
Romulan Star Navy 24th century |
External links[]
- Admiral article at Memory Alpha, the canon Star Trek wiki.
- Admiral article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.