Star Trek Expanded Universe

Captain Aleczahnder Lohrok was the former Chief engineer, later First officer, eventually, Commanding officer of the USS Excelsior (NCC-2000-C), in the mid-to late 24th century. (Star Trek: Excelsior) Currently Commanding officer, Project Oracle, located at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards


Lorhrok was far from the poster boy for Federation officers. He has pale skin--no doubt a relic of all the time he spent indoors reading the latest technical journals rather than going outside. He is slim, and his hair is cut just barely within regulation. His features are best described as "young," and people unfamiliar with Starfleet rank insignia frequently make an assumption and address him as "Ensign," or even "Cadet." Aside from this, Lohrok was frankly rather plain. Being taller than the average Trill, in addition to lighter, gives him a lanky, stretched look. His spots are somewhat darker and more vivid than normal, a family trait. Aleczahnder Lohrok is the textbook example of a young man trying desperately to prove to his shipmates--and to himself--that he is more than another inexperienced kid promoted to fill the shoes of better officers lost or promoted during the Dominion War seven years ago. He struggles against this soft bigotry daily, especially since his assignment as Chief Engineer of one of the finest Sovereigns in the fleet at the low rank of Lieutenant J.G. He brings to the table a mild-mannered but absolute resolve to get the job done--whatever it is--and wouldn't have gotten his current assignment without a reputation for thoroughness and results. Alecz Lohrok was born on stardate 33945 (11 December 2356, Terran calendar) to Artuzo and Jamia Lohrok on the planet Trill in the Kalandra Sector. The Lorhrok family, including his sister Kiitali, lived in a moderately sized city called Vezini in the Poznian Hills region. His father worked as a professor at the city's university, in the Astronomy department. The Lohrok family is descended from nobility from the Vexan Period, and as such, they lived in one of the largest estates in the city. Artuzo was an extremely traditional man, while Alecz was interested in the future; the two were often at odds, especially regarding how the Lorhrok Estate was run. Jamia tended to side with Artuzo, and the young Alecz often retreated to his room, the one place in the house where an outside observer could see that it was indeed the 24th century. His childhood in Vezini was relatively quiet. Even though Alecz attended a decently sized school, 3,000 enrolled, he had trouble fitting in as he got older, especially around other boys his age. He found many of them to be uncultured or crude. As a result, most of his friends were females, even though his romantic track record left much to be desired. One of the attendants of the Lorhrok Estate, Jeminev, a girl born a few months before him, was his closest friend throughout his time on Trill. Alecz rarely had any issue with following the rules, and as a result, found that he usually had more in common with his teachers than he did with his peers. Dark times came to Trill when the Dominion managed to take over the Kalandra Sector in late 2374, including the Kalandra and Betazed systems. Starfleet analysts had believed the sector too far from Dominion space for there to be a viable offensive, but the fierce battles waged over the surface of Trill seemed to indicate otherwise. Numerous times, the Jem’Hadar and Cardassian warships engaged the Starfleet defenders orbiting the world. Fortunately for the citizens of Trill, the planet never fell to the Dominion, but the Federation fleet orbiting the planet suffered heavy casualties. Indeed, at least two Federation ships crashed onto Trill, the second, an old Ambassador-class cruiser, taking out a quarter of the capital city with it. Once, the Jem’Hadar managed to beam down over five hundred shock troops into the most densely populated section of the capital, but the Trill citizens managed to hold the area long enough for Starfleet marines from orbit to beam down. The Lorhrok family was far enough away that none of this directly affected them, but living under the possibility that a stray torpedo could rain down and destroy them all in an instant didn’t do much for their disposition. In early 2375, the Federation Alliance managed to retake the sector, and Lohrok, at the age of eighteen Terran years, was finally able to head to Earth to enlist in Starfleet.

Starfleet Career[]

For better or worse, the Dominion War ended in late 2375, and Cadet Lohrok was never sent off to the front lines. With the manpower shortage continuing even after the war, Starfleet never canceled its Accelerated Wartime Course initiative, and Lohrok graduated in early 2377, if somewhat exhausted. The instructors had been required to teach four years' worth of lessons in two years, and it had taken its toll on every cadet. Ensign Lohrok was posted to the USS Steadfast, NCC-1966, an archaic Miranda-class, one of the few to survive the Dominion War. It was a truly ancient ship, and the years of refits could only do so much for it. With a maximum speed of warp seven point three, it had trouble keeping up with its post-War assignments. As an engineer specializing in starship design and engineering, Lohrok became intimate friends with the ship's warp engines faster than he did her crew. The captain, a Vulcan named V’Klan, pushed the ship's undermanned Engineering department hard because many of the pirates, smugglers, and other assorted malcontents they encountered in the cleanup of the War had ships that could embarrassingly outstrip the Steadfast. Lohrok and the rest of the department managed to get the long-obsolete starship up to warp eight point six using more dumb luck and unorthodox methodology than the sparse components they could requisition. The Steadfast came under fire twenty-three times in the five years that Lohrok served on her. With most of Starfleet’s shipyards devoted to cranking out new, top-of-the-line starships, and none of them assigned to repairing old ships that should have been retired decades ago, the Steadfast was more or less left to its own devices when it came to repairs. Ensign Lohrok’s degree in Starship Design earned him a promotion to Lieutenant, J.G. when he devised a plan to use existing, less important bulkheads supplemented with force fields to repair the patchwork hull. Finally, on stardate 59396, after exactly a hundred years in the service, the USS Steadfast was officially decommissioned. Lieutenant J.G. Alecz Lohrok took a brief leave from Starfleet in mid-2382 to visit his family on Trill. His sister, Kiitali, had moved to New France to be with her new husband, Francois de Liege, but his parents were much the same as they had always been. His time on the Steadfast had kept him very busy--and he wouldn't have been particularly inclined to keep in touch anyway--but he was unsurprised to find that his father had advanced to Professor of Cosmology and Ontology. Trill as a planet had more or less recovered from the wounds it sustained during the war, and life had returned to normal. It was during this time that Lorhrok seriously considered requesting a transfer to Utopia Planitia. His time on the Steadfast had been very tiring and hazardous, while designing and building starships sounded much less stressful. With Starfleet in the process of rebuilding its fleet, there was no shortage of demand for the job. However, when the assignment of Chief Engineer on a Sovereign-class, the USS Excelsior (NCC-2000-C), was offered to him, he quickly took the job. Lohrok had always wanted the chance to serve on one of Starfleet’s new behemoths, and the departmental head position was very appealing. He was one of the first of the senior staff to arrive on the ship at Starbase 911 in late 2382. The Excelsior's first mission was to the planet Valandria, in the Delta Quadrant, under the command of Captain Rachel Cortez. Before they launched, he became acquainted with one of the crewmen on a refit subcrew, Kinash Adow. Adow was disillusioned with a mere Lieutenant J.G. being the chief engineer of a Sovereign and did not hesitate to tell Lohrok. Alecz had her assigned to waste reclamation, and she retaliated by both interfering with his replicator system (and, inadvertently, the entire deck's) and taking a permanent posting aboard the Excelsior. After they were en route to the system, he was introduced to Simon Westlake and gave some non-consequential work in engineering.


With His Subordinates[]

Ensign Kinash Adow[]

Lohrok's introduction to the temperamental and future Excelsior engineer occurred his first day. He overheard her complaints in Main Engineering. "I don't think a junior grade lieutenant should be Chief Engineer aboard a ship as grand as the Excelsior. One of the most prestigious ships in the whole fleet, and they give it to you of all plain-Jaynes?" " I'm sure Captain Cortez has her reasons, crewman. Now, if you don't want me to have you put on report for those comments, I'd suggest you get the hell out of my engineering bay. You've just been reassigned to waste reclamation." "I do have to finish—" "Speaking, or else you're going to be on report. Is that clear?" "Yes _SIR_!" She later filed a complaint with Excelsior's brand-new First officer, Lieutenant commander Alcar Dovan. Dovan endorsed Adow's complaint with a terse, single sentence; "Can't say I blame him." In tried and true fashion, Adow threw a tantrum and retaliated by sabotaging his replicator, (along with every other one on decks 4 through 7). Before retiring for the night, he pranked Adow's control board, severely embarrassing her. From that point on, Adow never tried to prank Lohrok again, though she never gave him the respect he'd earned. (There you are)

Simon Westlake[]

Alecz took the 16 year old stowaway in after he was apprehended, teaching him starship engineering. Simon took to it with gusto, becoming almost indispensible. During the crisis on Valandria, he was one of the few engineers still standing, garnering respect not only shipwide, but the respect of his father, Commodore Ian Westlake. After Excelsior's return from Valandria, Simon was allowed to remain onboard, despite suffering from Elarin's Syndrome, the reason he couldn't enroll in Starfleet Academy. He even joined the away team to the S.S. Anbar (The Wreck in the Hesperus) Like the rest of the away team, he was infested, and became the Zero Ydril. Thanks to an inocculated Major Willis, He was freed along with the remaining away team members. (Ozymandias) Simon lost his life after helping Alecz and Neeva free the shuttlecraft they were making their escape on. He had released the docking clamps, and was running back to the shuttle when he was grabbed by some bluegills under the effects of the wasting. Alecz tried to free him from his captors, but caught Simon in the phaser beam instead. Simon died on Gevinon Prime, and his death haunts Alecz to this very day. (The Graceful End)

With His Peers[]

Lieutenant Commander Neeva[]

The love story between Excelsior's then First officer and its Operations manager began rather peculiarly. They had been assigned to an away team investigating the S.S. Anbar when a Bluegill swarm pod burst and converged on them. Despite Excelsior's best efforts to beam them back, the away team was overwhelmed, then infested. Neeva and Lohrok became the Zero Esplin and Tamrash. the duo just happened to be lovers. Their attempts to explore their new forms was cut short by Major Willis. Despite the fact that he had been infested, the Major had been innoculated with a compound nicknamed 'Beetlejuice'. It enabled an infested host to retain control. One by one, he freed the other away team members. After arriving on Gevinon, they joined up with Skipper Samantha Cox, along with the last of her crew from the Anbar. After committing various acts of sabotage, the group moved to make their escape using some shuttles. Neeva, Lohrok, and Simon Westlake were separated from the rest of the team, making their way to, and boarding a shuttlecraft for water-breathers. Using the one compartment in the shuttle for air-breathers. they were able to prep it for launch. By this time, the bluegills were beginning to suffer the effects of the weaponized version of 'The Wasting' , and were being driven mad, attacking anything, including each other. Unfortunately, the only way to launch the shuttle was to release the docking clamps. Simon, without hesitation dashed out the shuttle, making it to the control console, releasing the clamps. On the way back, the other bluegills grabbed and attacked him. Lohrok tried to free Simon, firing from the hatch, but he missed, hitting Simon. Time was up. The shuttle launched and cleared the planet, but, not knowing that the Excelsior was still in the system, set course for open space. In the too small air compartment, the duo struggled to keep the systems online in the face of continuing systems failures, Neeva's runaway pheromones, and failing life support. It came to them giving in to their baser instincts, if only slightly, before being rescued. It took time, and the threat of Counselling sessions with Doctor Sharp for them to confront their feelings towards each other, and even longer to finally realize their attraction, and affection. " I care about you, and it’s time I admitted to myself how much. If all this’s taught me one thing, it’s that I am a fool for leaving you here at your door every night." Their feelings for each other grew, then faded over Parudon Six. (Wires and Lights in a Box)

Lieutenant Commander Kestra J'Naya[]

The moment his replacement set foot on the deck, Alecz tried to warn her about what she would be facing. "Then you must be Lieutenant Lorhrok, the Excelsior’s First Officer. Sorry again about the, uh... Thank you for taking the time to welcome me aboard!" "Don’t get me wrong, Miss J’naya, welcome aboard – but I’m here to warn you. Chief Engineer is a tough job. You can still get out of this." ": Respectfully, sir, the only thing that could keep me out of your engineering bay is a cascading coolant leak. I spent six years as assistant chief on the Totallic, and I’m ready for the big pool table and anything else this ship can throw at me." "Well, we’ll see what you think after you’ve met Ensign Adow."

Ensign Alex Bevoney Rol[]

The former special projects division General turned 2nd Lieutenant turned Helmsman and Squadron leader didn't start out as friends with Alecz Lohrok. As a matter of fact Alex Rol along with four others onboard Excelsior were part of an infiltration and observation team under orders from the current General of Starfleet Special Projects Isaac Brahms to "Take any and all necessary action", up to and including, destroying the ship. (The Valandrian Expedition). The trouble started when Special Ops detachment Commanding Officer 2nd Lieutenant Leo Amara, slipped Rol a chip with evidence he'd accumulated, exposing and compromising the team, along with its mission. Rol, presumably under orders, murdered Amara by injecting 10cc's of warp plasma into his bloodstream. He then scanned and erased the chip. Alecz was next on the list. Rol: "You can trust me to uphold my oath, Lieutenant. I might not always take the most direct path, but when I swore “to serve and protect the natural rights of all sapient beings,” I meant it. I don’t trust you because I’m not sure I can say the same of you." LORHROK: What about the Prime Directive, Rol? And all the other regulations you broke aboard the Oracle? What about the part where you swore “to conduct yourself according to the laws of your homeworld and the directives of Starfleet”? ROL: "There’s a reason that part of the oath is listed last." LORHROK: "What, so you can ignore it at your whim?" ROL: "No it’s because we Starfleet officers are trusted to decide when there are more important things at stake!" LORHROK: "Now you’re going to fancy yourself the philosophical heir of Captain Kirk, aren’t you?" ROL: "Actually, I was always partial to real cowboys. Like Paul Edwards. Or Malcolm Reynolds." (The First Two Deaths) After murdering David Robins, Rol found out that Lohrok had recovered the chip, and was in the process of data recovery. LORHROK: "Lieutenant... put down the phaser." ROL: "I’m sorry, sir. The decision is out of my hands now. And I’m afraid I mean that quite literally." LORHROK: Just set the phaser down on your desk and walk out that door, Rol. You won’t get away with this if you do anything else." ROL: "Believe me, sir: I’m trying to do exactly that. But, like I said, it’s--" Rol then fired, destroying the chip. Lohrok used the distraction to inject Rol with a hypospray. Rol, unable to use his limbs, collapsed to the floor. At Rol's invitation, Alecz scanned him and discovered nanobots in his thyroid cells. Genetic controls and enhancements, placed by General Brahms to strip away free will and absolve him of blame. "You know, before you tried to shoot me, Rol, I was about to offer my help if you were in any kind of trouble. (Pause) That offer stands. I choose to believe you. No matter how big this Brahms man is, I’m with you. And I intend to get Commander Dovan behind you, too. But if you’re lying to me, about any of it, I’ll charge you with both murders and let a public trial work it out." This was the beginnings of many adventures for the duo. From subduing Rol's former boss (Golden Things) to time travel (Wildfire) to wacky misadventures (A Day At The Park) Their friendship, along with Rol's life ended when they were returning to Excelsior from a dig site. The Fightercraft they were flying, the Petrolclus, came under attack by Pirates pretending to be Borg. Rol was able to get Alecz safely into a shielded compartment, but systems were failing, and someone had to remain at the controls. Alex Bevoney Rol burned to death in the cockpit, but got the fightercraft back to the Excelsior. He replayed this special reminder as the flames consumed him: "Rol, Entry Five-Thirteen. As a result of a recent conversation, I have adopted a new mission objective. I don’t know whether two complete conversions can be held in the span of a single lifetime. I don’t know whether history will judge me a saint or a devil for what I am about to do. All I know is that, if the Federation stands for anything, then I must act, and let history worry about the consequences."

Ensign Melissa Sharp[]

With His Superiors[]

Captain Rachel Cortez[]

CORTEZ: Do you remember what I said about how I chose Mister Lorhrok? DOVAN: You told me what kind of man he was. That he’d crawl through every Jefferies Tube on a ship just to get to know her, that he’d court the Excelsior like a woman instead of studying her like a tin can. CORTEZ: Character, Commander. I told you about Alecz’s character. That was what I looked for in my crew, I said. I told you I wasn’t looking for good officers; I was 18 looking for people who were ready to grow into something great. When you asked me that question – why did I choose someone like Mister Lorhrok? – I saw the real question you were asking. So, when I answered, I wasn’t talking about Lorhrok; I was talking about you. (pause) And now I know I made the right decision.

Commander Alcar Dovan[]

Captain Cortez knew that good officers are more than a good recommendation and a few years’ experience, and so she didn’t look for those things. The Captain was looking for men and women who were ready to change from good officers to great men. She read everything there was to find on Alecz Lorhrok before she made her decision, and that is what she saw in you. Greatness. It’s what she saw in all of us. You’re on the best ship there is, Lieutenant, and you’re third in-line for command after me. That’s all I need to know to be certain you’ll do well in this position. And that’s an order

General Isaac Brahms[]

Alecz's self-proclaimed nemesis was first encountered on his ship, the Kindred-class Scout USS Renegade (NCC-S31-4) He, Alex Rol, Yubari Asuka, and Excelsior's Marine Detachment were there to apprehend him. Brahms proved himself a canny adversary, and soon slipped their grasp. Despite separate, as well as insightful efforts by both Yubari and Alex Rol, Brahms was on the verge of making a successful escape to Union, the planet Starbase 911 orbited. It was Alex Rol who finally cornered him as he prepped his escape transporter. Playing his final trump card, Brahms uttered Rol's kill command, As his life was fading, Alex shot the transporter pad, filling the compartment, along with half the deck with radiation. Alex was still alive when he was beamed away, but Brahms had made an enemy of Alecz Lohrok that day. After Brahms' death on Gevinon Prime, Though other crew encountered his resurrected form, (Fear itself, The Mapstone) It wasn't until Centaurus Foods that Alecz encountered 'Agent Isaac'. He has been tasked by the Psions of the stars to rescue him, along with Neeva. Alecz was less than please to meet again. BRAHMS: "You must be Mister Lorhrok. You've done so much to me, it's strange to think we've never met." LORHROK: "What are you playing at, Brahms? I arrested you!" BRAHMS: "But the report said Commander Masterson..." LORHROK: "She was there, but I was the one... What do you care what the report says? Don't you remember the hatred in my eyes? In yours?" BRAHMS: "Lieutenant, do you remember Alex Rol's voice?" LORHROK: "Every day." BRAHMS: "I can't. His face is in the files. But that's all. His voice, his laugh, gone. The last thing he ever said to me -- no one else was there at the end, in that garden, and I can't remember any of it. I'll never know how he saved me. Because you got him killed. So you will forgive me if I'm not worried about forgetting some half-cooked junior officer who fancies himself my nemesis." (Nurturing Life)

General Sophia Hanas[]

Alecz Lohrok had the singular distinction of handling a General and head of Starfleet Special Ops. Sophia Hanas had a penchant for collateral damage in her missions. She had collaborated with Romulan Proconsul Celevire, Tribune Voronesev and Acting Excelsior First Officer Yubari Asuka to expose the truth of the departure of the Brotherhood of the Raptor's Wing from Menshara. "...and every school, from ShiKahr to Seleya we banished the Brotherhood of the Raptor's Wing--man, woman, and child. We absorbed their retaliations as necessary penance, then sent them into the great deserts of our world. Then, at last, we saw to it that there was nowhere left for them but the last desert, the emptiness beyond Min'shara... where they will surely perish. "This we did because the logic of our survival demanded it. Yet that is not the logic our Father Surak taught. And it must not be the logic our children learn. Reader: let this plinth be the only true record of our terrible expedient, a reminder to ensure there is no other." Incredulous, Hanas refused to accept what what she was hearing until the translation was confirmed by Vulcan High Priestess T'Vrill. After Praetor Radek had been killed by Proconsul Celevire, she claimed the office of Praetor. She ordered the evacuation fleet to begin its landings at Vulcan's Forge. Hanas was not having any of it. "If the Romulans continue this invasion. . . . ." "Starfleet, IRW Honor Blade is at your disposal. Make good use of it. Any Starfleet officers still in this system in ten minutes will be executed as enemies of the state." "I heard our phasers work now, 'Praetor'." "What are you doing? You want to kill the Romulan Praetor with the entire Romulan Empire watching in orbit?" "She just did." Lohrok unceremoniously snatched the phaser from Hanas, saying, "She's not a Federation general. Give me that."

Commodore Joshua Underwood[]

Alecz and Excelsior's former (and future) Commanding Officer did not have much interaction in the beginning. Underwood was focused (possibly obsessed) with regaining the center seat that he had lost. (Every Good Captain Has Admiral Issues) Their interactions were reduced to zero when Underwood transferred over to the Voltaire. Everything changed after Alcar Dovan was relieved of duty, arrested and Court-martialed. Admiral Parker restored Underwood to the rank of Captain and gave him back command of Excelsior. The duo worked hand in hand, establishing a solid, building relationship. For 2-1/2 years they built on teamwork and leadership. The Taurus Nebula affair 2 years in confirmed Underwood's confidence with Alecz as his replacement when the time came. When Hobus began to go supernova, the Romulans sent out a call for assistance. Contrary to the decision of the Federation Council, about a dozen Federation Starships answered the call, along with Klingon, Cardassian, Ferengi starships and approximately 104 Civilian vessels joined the 22 Romulan Warbirds at their homeworld to help with the evacuation. Admiral Jean-Luc Picard gave Underwood a field promotion to Commodore, and placed him in charge of the flotilla of civillian vessels. This left Excelsior as On-scene commander in the absence of Rear admiral William T. Riker, who had departed for Vashti, one of the designated evacuation sites with a full load of refugees. After Hobus destroyed Romulus and Radek Saline seized power, Alecz was the voice for the Federation within the evacuation fleet. After his rescue from the IRW Kilurov, Underwood was one of the first to welcome him. "Glad they got you back exec." Underwood backed his XO throughout the worst of it, seeing the evacuation to its (relatively) peaceful resolution. Underwood retained his field promotion, but was reassigned to Station Salem-One to oversee the refugee resettlement office. "Well, I've confirmed my replacement on the Excelsior. I think he'll do alright. After all, I've been seasoning him for two and a half years. And he confirmed his place as next in-line at the Taurus Nebula Affair six months ago." "Me, sir?" "You, Exec. I suppose I'd better break the habit of calling you that, now!" "How?" "Don't get me wrong, the President wants you demoted. Or possibly dead. I'm not sure he's that particular. But, politically... what you did during the Reunification to keep the shooting from starting... it looked an awful lot like heroism, at least to enough of the press. With all the chaos of the past three weeks, the President has larger floors to mop, so a hero you remain." (Bound to the Starless Midnight)

Praetor Radek Saline[]

Lohrok's encounter with the Romulan Praetor occurred onboard the IRW Kilurov following the destruction of Romulus, and the death of Praetor Kahil Saline. The evacuation fleet was headed towards one of the evacuation planets, Vashti, when the Continuing Committee of the Romulan Senate convened. At the invitation of Proconsul Celevire, Lohrok was in attendance. During the meeting Tal Shiar Deputy Chairman Radek Saline laid claim to the office of Praetor by right of Tal Shira, and presenting the sword of S'Task. He then activated a hidden program that altered the course of all Romulan ships in the Alpha Quadrant, as well as the Beta Quadrant towards their ancestral home, Vulcan (planet). Radek then declared that Acting Captain Lohrok was a hostage of the Romulan Star Empire. Despite this Lohrok seized the opportunity to appeal to the Praetor directly on behalf of the United Federation of Planets. He was having limited success with the new Praetor, who was obsessed with enacting revenge against Vulcan for the destruction of their homeworld and the hundreds of millions of Romulan dead. Lohrok was rescued by Excelsior after Neeva broke the control over all the Romulan ships. Despite this, all of the freed ships in the evacuation fleet sided with the new Praetor. "Justice For Romulus" was the battle cry. Lohrok offered to return to the Kilurov in exchange for the release of Excelsior's Chief medical officer and brother to the new Praetor Radek Saline. Lohrok continued to press for a peaceful resolution, with little or no success. It all came to a climax in the Hall of Ancient Thought at the peak of Mount Selaya. Radek demanded the Vulcan First Minister, Sulan order the Vulcan Home Fleet to destroy the city of Shikahr (Population 30 million). Despite Lohrok's pleas for reason, Radek would not be moved. He told the First Minister to order the Home Fleet to fire, then he would execute him using the sword of S'Task. Failing that, he would find a schoolgirl that lived in ShiKahr, and he would have her give the order. Sulan began to comply when Tribune Voronosev interrupted, demanding the Praetor explain his actions. Radek, out of patience, was about to execute Sulan when Maiek interceded. Maiek and Radek grappled until the Praetor was shot in the back from a disruptor fired by Proconsul Celevire. He died shortly after. After things settled down, reports of Lohrok's pleas for peace reached the general populace of the Federation. They found his actions heroic. (Bound to the Starless Midnight)


2356 Aleczahnder Lohrok is born on Trill, to Artuzo, and Jamia Lohrok

2373 The Dominion invades Trill (planet). Alecz and his family retreat to their estate in the nearby mountains, where they will remain until the invaders are driven off planet.

2374 The Starfleet Eighth Fleet liberates Trill (planet) from Dominion occupation, driving them all the way back to the Kalandra sector

2375 Aleczahnder Lohrok Leaves Trill, enrolls in Starfleet Academy

2375 The Dominion War ends with the Treaty of Bajor (DS9 - What You Leave Behind)

2377 Graduates from Starfleet Academy in a two-year accelerated program. Is commissioned an Ensign and posted to the Miranda-class USS Steadfast (NCC-1966) as Engineer.

2382 After 100 years of Active service, the USS Steadfast is decommissioned.

2382 Reports for duty onboard the Excelsior as Chief engineer (There You Are)

2382 Promoted to Lieutenant and assigned as First officer of the Excelsior (The Investigation)

2385 Promoted to Lieutenant commander (Listen)

2387 Assumed temporary command of Excelsior during the Hobus supernova and evacuation of Romulus (Bound to the Starless Midnight)

2387 Promoted to Captain and appointed Commanding officer of the USS Excelsior (NCC-2000-C) (Bound to the Starless Midnight)

Memorable quotes[]

" As far as I'm concerned, Mister President, I am still responsible for saving those Romulan lives, and I am not about to quit."
— (Bound to the Starless Midnight)
" Mister President, what if Earth was rubble orbiting a supernova? What if someone... an Admiral Cartwright, a Mussolini, a MuhCauley Enzor... told us that Romulus was responsible? Would we... frightened, broken, and homeless... would we still fight for peace? Would we be able to trust our enemies after two centuries of fear?"
— (Bound to the Starless Midnight)
" I care about you, and it’s time I admitted to myself how much. If all this’s taught me one thing, it’s that I am a fool for leaving you here at your door every night."
— (And Miles to go Before I Sleep)
" You're not afraid of a trap. You know this fleet would only be stronger if you became a martyr. No, you're afraid of being wrong. You know Celevire would only invite you down if she had enough to prove you wrong: Vulcan didn't force the Romulans into exile, and Vulcan had nothing to do with the supernova at Romulus. And after all these years of conspiracy theories, you don't want to know. You want to lead this fleet to its destruction in ignorant bigotry. Now, I'm not too brave a man myself, Radek -- but if there's one cowardice I can't stand, it's ignorance."
— (Bound to the Starless Midnight)
" Look, Chief, let me put this indelicately: how much of this is Ensign Ermez, and how much of it is your own control issues?"
— (Every Good Captain has Admiral Issues)


  • Aleczahnder Lohrok is played by Ben Randall in Season One, and Samuel Gillis in Season Two onwards in Star Trek: Excelsior.