Star Trek Expanded Universe

Alexander Enwright was a Starfleet flag officer. He was Chief of Starfleet Research and Development in the 2260s, as well as the project lead of the ill-fated M-5 disaster. Enwright was instrumental in the development of the Federation-class dreadnought along with the lead designer and engineer Captain Franz Joseph. Enwright commanded Jupiter Station in the early 2270s.

On or about stardate 9347.9, Commodore Enwright was en route to a conference with the First Federation at Deep Space 3 when the shuttlecraft Goddard from the USS Eagle was attacked by Elasi Pirates. He was delivered to the Klingons and Commander Kor interrogated him using the Mind Sifter. Enwright was rescued by a team of MACOs from the USS Saladin, but that team in turn had to be rescued after an accident with a Klingon land mine killed several of the team. The shuttlecraft Scimitar was dispatched from the Saladin to rescue the commodore. (Star Trek: Eye of the Tempest)

Other fan continuities[]

Avalon Universe[]

Commodores Enwright and Wesley were recalled to Sector 001 to appear before a board of inquiry after the Incident. (Ghost Ship)


Enwright (no given name) was voiced by James Doohan. He was the commanding officer of Starbase 6. (TOS: "The Ultimate Computer")

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