Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

Amanda Beck was a Federation Starfleet science officer and line officer on duty in the 23rd century. (Avalon Universe: "Ghost Ship", "Demons", "Air and Darkness")

Early in her Starfleet career, Lieutenant Beck broke off her relationship with Lieutenant James Laws because their respective career trajectories were keeping them at opposite ends of the Federation. Afterwards, she was assigned to the USS Oberth. ("Demons")

Beck later transferred to Starbase 6, where she was a science officer. Beck was part of a small team selected by Commander Derek Mason to stabilize the antimatter systems of the USS Excalibur so it could be repaired. ("Ghost Ship")

Some time later, she was promoted to commander and posted as executive officer and chief science officer of the Excalibur. She was assigned to cabin 501, on deck 5, section Alpha. ("Avalon Lost", "Demons", "Air and Darkness")

Beck went missing on an away mission in early 2271 along with Captain Lance Ramirez. Both were listed as missing in action. ("Agent of New Worlds")

Personal life[]

Beck considered Mason to have been her best friend. The two became close after she was injured during a training mission at Starfleet Academy, and Mason stayed behind to assist her until help arrived. As they had no means of communications, the third cadet on the mission, Lance Ramirez, walked 30 kilometers to get help. ("Agent of New Worlds")

Officers of the starships Excalibur
NCC-1705 Harris | Mason | Ramirez | Jakande Laws | Beck | Allenby Rook Lux Beck | Allenby Archer | Hightower | Ahyoka Marconi Williams T'Mera
NCC-1705 (Avalon Universe)

External links[]
