Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe
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Name: Nung, Amanda J

Rank: RTO1 (Remote Telecom Operator 1st Class, E-5 equivalent rank, Starfleet equivalent would be Communications officer with a secondary MOS in Intelligence Operations)

Station: MCDS Yoann Teena (Product improved Norgh Class Bird of Prey) FFG-21

Race: Human (Siegfried Augmented subtype AA)

Gender: Female

Gestation Date: 2408/02/11

Decant Date: 2410/09/15

Birth Certificate Date: 18 February, 2393

Date of Graduation from MOS training: 2411/07/18

Batch Identification: This organism is property of the United Federation of Planets Starfleet Project Siegfried Inception date 2 November 2371 phenotype Officer pattern 24, Eurasian Female series 4 batch 77013AA approval Leyton, James 2271 CE stock number 277013AA-246

Pre-decant Psychological Conditioning Record: Pattern 22/1A Suburban Middle Working Class, Orphan Code 11NT00(Orion Raid simulation plus Social Services group home-N, Technical aptitude, no siblings)

Military Career:[]

Recruit Private Amanda Trung was enlisted and sworn in at Recruit Station 4, An Loc city, and sent to Devils Canyon training range for long march training and final conditioning. the original plan for her batch, was a background with the Independence movement, however, other situations interfered in that, shortly after completing training and before she was sent to temporary duty on reserve status, Fek Day happened, and it was all hands on deck as Moab III was invaded and New Saigon moon was lost. The first six months of her 'actual' life was spent as part of Company C, 2nd Marine Battalion, filling a hole left by first wave casualties and the fall of Xiao Loc, Grantsville, and Canh Tho Arcology city. These, then, are her clearest memories, as they were not the carefully orchestrated memory imprints designed by social scientists, but real life traumas designed by an uncaring and capricious god.

A god of horror and blood, and despair.

She survived the first, second and third counterattacks on Fek'Ihri occupied Xiao Loc, supported Company D of the Moab Ground Force Militia during the absolute slaughter and rout that was the first attempt to enter Canh Tho Arcology to search for survivors, the second, vertical envelopment attempt from the top floor of the Arcology, the third attempted penetration of the structure, and finally was involved in setting homing beacons on the city-building Arcology for orbital bombardment and Cleanse when it was clear there could be no human, or non Fek'Ihri survivors.

After Canh Tho, she worked with Company A and Company I of Ground Forces as RTO with various platoons during the clearing of Grantsville's underground tunnels, and distinguished herself in combat during the push into the Capital City of Nha Tranh. Once the cities were cleared, she was assigned to one of the new-build Norgh class vessels coming off the Ia Drang shipyard near An Loc. As an RTO with leadership experience in combat, she beat out three other applicants for duty as the ship's RTO.

for the remainder of 2411 and into 2412, she participated in Pirate and Bandit hunting missions aimed at predatory criminals who raid colonies and worlds for slaves. During these missions she secured approximately 240 Bars of Gold Pressed Latinum equivalent as shares in successful missions under Chief Warrant Officer Pamela Bentine, the commander of FFG-21, these and her pay were banked with the Ty'Gokor Ren'wyl Lending and investment House, with roughly 40% going to a locked vault account at the Bank of Ferenginar's Investment and lending board at 12% interest guaranteed. Capturing Pirate vessels and freeing kidnapped civilians pays exceptionally well in the MCDF, mostly through shares on the sale of impounded vessels and the collection of bounties for rescued civilians.

RTO Nung's military records show no marks for excessive cruelty during boarding actions, and only a few minor violations of discipline. In March of 2411, she successfully challenged her release from service via the use of falsified and forged records, including an edited birth certificate. She was among 600 or so AA personnel and Naturalborns who participated in the 'retention scheme'. This kept her aboard the MCDS Yoann Teena when the movement order to participate in the Goralis Rift operation was issued.

At Starbase 77Tau, (home base of Starfleet's 77th Fleet) she participated in recreational activities, many arranged by the late Commander Grady, including a dom-jot tournament at the Station's Enlisted club. Among the Marines she was remarkably disciplined and got along well with Starfleet personnel (no bar fights or disruptions).

When the combined task-force moved on Goralis 11, she was still aboard MCDS Yoan Teena when that vessel, and three others, entered the rift itself to mark and identify targets coming from the other side, as well as survey the conditions inside the rift. Time processes at variable rates in a dimensional gateway rift like the one that formed at Goralis, and she had several weeks subjective time to refine her skills at studying and evaluation of Temporal, spatial, Gravitic, and Temporal-spatial anomalies.

During the detonation of the Schrodinger-Trung Device that sealed the rift, her vessel was one of the ones caught in the disruption wave, and she witnessed the intervention of a Wormhole Alien , or 'prophet' by being one of two people on the bridge of the ship whom were not knocked unconscious when an alien force disrupted matter and time inside the ship. Her arms were subsequently fused through her console, along with both legs.

The Prophet died, but not before it placed the ship half-through a mountain on Bajor. She was rescued by Bajoran personnel only 12 hours after the 'crash', and sent to a hospital with eleven other survivors out of the ship's complement of 53. Every one of them had horrific injuries, and most of the ones who didn't make it, were too enmeshed in the structure due to the atomic and molecular distortion effect of the final moments of the Rift Battle that were fought inside the collapsing anomaly.

This was where her true physical development was noticed by Doctors, and she was 'caught'. Bajor does not have the concept of 'Emancipated Minors', and this was also the point in time where the United Earth Supreme court ruled that the Moab Secession was illegal, and the Federation supreme court deferred to the lower courts, every Moabite in the task force were facing arrest as terrorist suspects due to a shift in the political winds on Qo'noS and treaty terms for the final armistice that required the Empire to stand to the side where Moab citizens in Federation Territory were concerned.

Bajor, under a Nationalist government, asserted prior claim for...reasons. Some of them involving the Temple, the Church, and a vision of what really happened at Goralis and inside the rift. They weren't going to hand over people blessed by the Prophets easily, and so an extradition hearing was required for the twelve survivors of the Yoann Teena, the youngest of which, was Amanda J. Nung, the ship's acting communications officer. Captain Kanril Eleya of the Federation Starfleet stood as advocate. the Federation Justice department backed off after a short hearing.

Amanda and the others were given an experimental medical treatment at the hands of Dr. Mary Moriarty, this intensely painful regrowth of lost limbs and flesh (and bone...and nerve tissue) was both agonizing, and effective. The preparations for it, revealed Amanda's genetic origin as a Siegfried Augment of AA type-that is, Artificial Memory engram and Augmented genetic structure.

Kanril Eleya, at least, figured out that Amanda had no life before the service.

Amanda was fostered to a Bajoran Family, the Fanas in Kendra Province. For the next three years she was a civilian for the first time in her entire existence. A REAL civilian. Her discovery in late 2413 of what she was, disturbed her personal equilibrium and promoted internal anxiety that she may become a danger to her adoptive family. She specifically knew about the suicide rates and crime problems experienced by other 'Discharge Kids' and the tie to herself (and several other survivors) of being augmented, along with educational materials from Earth discussing the Augment wars and subsequent crises, created a paranoia in her own mind focused on distrust of her own mental health and safety.

The School books from Earth, taught her to hate and distrust herself. Counseling for her other traumas helped some, and she was mandated to attend given her experiences as a 'child soldier'.

At age 17, reassured after meeting the famous Doctor Julian Bashir shortly after being damaged fighting an incursion by the H'urq as a Militia Reservist, she was reassigned as a loan to Starfleet, and participated in the majority of Operation: Myrmidon and Operation: Bugspray, only missing the Battle of Empersa due to an actual nervous breakdown that caused her to be sent back to Bajor aboard a Denali vessel.

The diagnosis of her emotional collapse was complex, it involved the fact that imprinted memories have a sort of 'half life' while real, experienced memories tend to override programmed directives and false experiences. She'd lived through some of the worst combat in the Quadrant, then experienced what 'peace' was truly like, and her subconscious rebelled. Her first year back on Bajor was spent under medical surveillance and restrictions due to a higher-than-average probability of suicide attempts, once she had 'stabilized' into peacetime again, she was medically released from active duty and encouraged to complete her education.

By 2421, Fana-Nung Amanda held a teaching degree from the University of Hathon, and sought a post in a rural school, deep in the most troubled part of Bajor's rural regions. She has been there since, and was interviewed by Federation News Anchor B'lennda Surok.

Personality Notes[]

Amanda Nung as a Marine was brash, took lots of personal risks, but always with an eye toward preventing others from taking similar or worse risks whenever it was in her power to do so. She listened to a variety of music, from Bajoran contemporary to 'the weird stuff' (Synth-rock and Volksmetall) to the even weirder stuff, like Blues and Country or Folk music. (the latter being a taste more or less reinforced by peers who listened to Bajoran Folk music regularly). After the 'Crash' Amanda converted to the faith of the Prophets, and stayed with it.

As a member of Bajor's Militia Reserve (age 17 to age 19) she worked her way into a position as an intelligence officer, though only with a Warrant until she could complete the necessary academic course work to get her Bachelor's degree. Her peers in the Militia (many of them older than she was) viewed her as an equal and a skilled professional. Her Adoptive Family were at first impressed with her helpfulness and self-discipline, later they were impressed with her sincerity in resigning her Miltia post to 'recover'.

Creator's Note:[]

Amanda was the one Moabite character I decided deserved a really happy ending. She got OUT, and got her issues dealt with, and progressed into a 'normal' life. Her breakdown in the second half of "Myrmidons" began in the first portion, I only had a vague idea what I was doing with her, but I wanted to explore not just Veteran's issues with PTSD and the fear of mental illness, but also the idea that someone can go through all that, come out the other side whole, and not be so 'institutionalized' they can't become a Civilian anymore.

This isn't to say her story was tame, I ran her through the Wringer with StarswordC and Knightraider's help. She EARNED that peaceful retirement teaching troubled rural kids that not only can they do better, but they can do better and have self respect instead of Self esteem.

see, one of those? is more valid because you EARN it.

First speaking appearance;

Second appearance:

Final Story:

I'm still editing parts of the second half of Myrmidons, as I patch around sections that didn't get written, I'll be adding to it. (Not that anyone on the STO forums is going to read a story dating back to 2019!)
