Star Trek Expanded Universe
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The Andorian Imperial Guard was the primary military force of the Andorian Empire, and had served so since at least the 22nd century. The Imperial Guard welcomed both males and females into their ranks, and they were recruited at a very young age since they had been trained in combat since they were small children. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident", "Cease Fire", "Proving Ground")

Following Andoria's entry into the United Federation of Planets in 2161, most of the Imperial Guard fleet was incorporated into the new Federation Starfleet, while the remaining elements became part of the new Andorian Defense Force which was charged with defending Andoria and her colonies. Despite this, the Imperial Guard remained active in 2164 when General Thy'lek Shran made Jonathan Archer an honorary member of the guard. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II" graphic)

Christopher L. Bennett, in his post-Star Trek: Enterprise novels that include Tower of Babel, posited that the Andorian Guard was one of five services that made up the nascent Federation Starfleet. The Andorian Guard's remit was defense; while that of the United Earth Space Probe Agency was exploration; the Tellar Space Administration, operational support and supply; the Alpha Centauri Space Research Council, research/exploration; and the Vulcan Space Council, research & development/administration. (Tower of Babel Annotations: Early Starfleet Uniform)

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