Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

Data, a Soong-type android.

An android is an artificially-intelligent robot that looks and acts like a humanoid. An android is usually male in appearance, while a female android is usually called a gynoid. Data, a Soong-type android, was widely considered the most successful android to date, growing beyond his original programming. (Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation)

In Star Trek: Picard, they were exclusively referred to as synths. How and why this term came to be preferable was not revealed.


Androids started merging into Federation society around the late 22nd century: a move to make interactions between humanoids and robots more seamless. As they are artificial constructs, androids tend to be used for tasks normal humanoids would not be able to undertake or have no desire to undertake. Unfortunately, this leads some humanoids to believe androids are disposable or expendable, and ethicists remain divided over androids' rights as of the 24th century. (Star Trek: The Next Generation)


Androids that are not specifically designed to be indistinguishable from the humanoids they are based on are sometimes referred to as mechanoids. (Voyages of the SS Hanford)


In 2475, a group of rogue androids attacked Qo'noS, which led to a deep-seated hatred by most Klingons toward androids by the 28th century. (Star Trek: 001: "Alone")

By the 30th century, androids were in even wider use in the Federation, even staffing entire facilities. Sometime after this century, a division in android types led to a heavy war that significantly reduced the human population. (Star Trek: Returner, Star Trek: Rise of the Machines, Star Trek: Phoenix-X: "Vitality")


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