Arluna is the fourth world in the system, and has a single, large moon. (The War of the Masters)
Climate is earthlike, with some issues due to incompatible native biochemistry.
Highest evolved lifeform on Arluna is Mammalian-analogue dextromorphs. (incompatible sugars with earthlife)
there is a surplus of both Lithium and potassium in the crust and biology.
Arluna has 83% surface water, a 26 hour rotatoin, and 1.012 gravities.
ambient Temperature is 22degrees celsius (average) with higher than normal precipitation in most of the habitable regions.
It's actually a very nice place, all told, though the frequent overcast does tend to be a touch depressing for some sentients.
Approximately 64% of the habitable zones have been cleared of the toxic native ecology, an action that has infuriated several environmentally conscious members of the Federation Council.
Population Statistics:
Human/Earth Descent: 46%
Vulcan: 11%
Romulan (refugee)/Reman: 41% (as of 2406, this number went up later)
Klingon: 1.5%
Other: .5%(this number increased later)
Arluna rebelled in 2406, with the sudden death by heart attack of Colonial Development's appointed Planetary Governor Tarkanian, and the release or 'leaking' of his office's classified files showing a conspiracy to profit from the Klingon War by forcibly ejecting that world's population as refugees, evicting the Romulan Refugees that the people there had taken in, and turning the valuable resources of Arluna the planet, and its orbitals, over to federation core industrial and real estate development agencies including Yoyodyne, Synthetic Dynamics, and other firms, via the abuse of Federation statutes defining refugee status, abandonment, and circumventing legal processes regarding takings for the public good.
Roughly 89% of Colonial Development personnel of all ranks fled Arluna in the first three days after the leak.
Arluna largely stayed apart from the Confederacy's civil war, beyond announcing in favor of the MacAulliffe government and sending the MCDS Lucky Louise (a modified ex-Gorn Science vessel and light carrier) to provide disaster relief and hospital services after the bombings on Berun's World.
Notable Citizens:
Several of Arluna's Governors since independence have been Romulan expatriates who immigrated, including two former Senators.
Arluna would align with the Romulan Republic after the 2421 General Vote.