B'Sanos (The War of the Masters Continuity)[]
"One of the worst things about the General in command of the KDF's Second Fleet (regulars), was that the man didn't act like a proper KLINGON...It took us YEARS to get a proper read on his background, and by then, he'd Smashed two Fleet Divisions at Hromi Eight and broken four counterattacks...He broke Gordon Menninger..."
-Captain MacKenzie 'Mac' Calhoun, 2406
The Man[]
Race: Klingon
Sex: Male
House Affiliation: No House affiliation
Rank: General Officer
Affiliation: KDF 2nd Fleet, Hromi Cluster
Role: Commanding General, 2nd Fleet, Military Governor, Second Fleet Operations Area, Hromi Cluster.
B'Sanos is the bastard son of a shipyard EPS tech who once served on a Klingon Vessel during the Dominion War. He is quite open about the story of his 'origins'-he was concieved in a one-night-stand during the victory party celebrating the defeat of the Dominion.
His adoptive Grandfather is a Starship Architect or 'Ren'wyl' at the Ty'Gokor yards, and B'Sanos grew up in the culture of the Klingon Empire's second or third largest shipyard among other working-class youth, many of whom also lacked blood ties to any noble House. His 'Father Figure' was his mother's employer, who surprisingly took the role rather more seriously, though never to the point of actually adopting the boy. Instead, from the time B'Sanos could walk, he was treated as an apprentice, in addition to his normal schools.
Schools in which he performed exceptionally well, despite being the preferred target for bullying by both peers, and instructors due to his bastard origin and lack of proper family or clan ties.
In essence, his childhood would be familiar to anyone who admires the late Chancellor Martok.
At the age of Fifteen, B'Sanos won a Scholarship to attend the Klingon War Academy at Ty'Gokor. As a 'Scholarship brat' his experiences weather (and occasionally, resisting) bullying served him well among the sons and daughters of Klingon Nobles. During his time at the Klingon Warrior Academy, he drew the attention of Dahar Master K'Hoal, and formed a lasting friendship with House Woldan's walking embarrassment, K'Ragh, the third son of D'Ward.
It is not particularly often that anyone draws the attention of K'Hoal, and usually those who do speak in whispers of the harsh treatment and endless demands of the old Dahar Master, with stories of endless Katas and practice in the forms of Mok'Bara while being tortured with painsticks and interrogated over and over again regarding what they had learned in training classes, or on chapters and sections of assigned homework, or the formulas to calculate intermix ratios for Warp Flight, or History.
B'Sanos became very good at the Klingon Martial Arts, but he also became very good at remembering details as he encountered them. The endless drills and forms, the constant interrogations, and as he progressed, the injection of what many consider the Dahar Master's most painful form of torture, Logic Puzzles.
B'Sanos was recommended for early commissioning with a letter written by Dahar Master K'Hoal, an early release into service at an officer's rank is unusual in itself, for the son of a shipyard electrician? it was nearly unheard of. Nevertheless, one year shy of his estimated graduation date, B'Sanos found himself boarding ship to participate in the invasion of the Gorn Hegemony, as the second shift Engineer of the IKS Ba'hud Martok (Battle Captain Martok), a KDF Regulars vessel commanded by Koldor, his friend's oldest brother.
In the Gorn war, B'Sanos distinguished himself to Colonel Koldor with his ready thinking, cunning, and attention to detail, features that led to his promotion over senior, even Noble-born, officers during the campaign. He soon found himself promoted to Colonel and given command of a short squadron of Raptor escorts covering the right flank of General Koldor's 11th Woldan Fleet.
After the defeat of the Gorn, B'Sanos was offered a chance to higher rank-though lower status than serving in a proper 'House' fleet, they extended him the dubious 'honor' of replacing the discommended former commander of the KDF Regulars 2nd Fleet in the Ganalda sector, he would be taking charge of a 'nationally financed' unit that had been disgraced.
He stepped up to the challenge, and rumours circulated he might be a young Martok. (Darker rumours also circulated, this caused more than one fatality due their nature).
All was in readiness six months after he took command of Second Fleet, and it only cost the removal of twenty one officers (nine fatally). When Chancellor J'Mpok gave the order to begin the eviction of the Federation from the Hromi Cluster, Brigadier B'Sanos leapt ahead, taking Alhena in less than 72 hours, with his good friend K'Ragh, finally out of the Academy and commanding a wing of aging B'rel class and Norgh class Birds of Prey acting as the Brigadier's eyes ahead of his main line of battle.
To understand the Context of 2nd Fleet, one must first understand what 'national forces' means-it means a fleet that is made up of what can be kindly termed 'poorly financed and crewed with the dregs'. Most Fleet groups in the Klingon Empire are financed and built by the Great Houses. 'National' formations are made of vessels whose sponsoring House no longer exists, or vessels so worn out, or old, that they are not worth it for a House sponsored fleet to keep on the register. The Crews of these formations come from a mix of the discommended, the lower-class, the Houseless, or otherwise disreputable types with little to no Quv, and often less Batlh. national forces are usually used as disposable shock troops, or relegated to undesirable missions.
In the first two years of the war, B'Sanos led the 2nd nationally owned fleet, to victory upon Victory, defeating Starfleet battlegroups equipped with newer vessels in a lightning campaign.
But that's not what got their attention.
What got their attention, was his handling of conquered colonies. It was most unlike the traditional handling. B'Sanos managed first to arrange, and then pay, for the evacuation of Federation Civilians who did not want to live under Klingon rule.
He made sure that logistics vessels and captured vessels were put to use, carrying as many refugees away from the occupation zone, as he could let cram into them, and he made sure they actually got to the nearest Federation Starbase intact.
Even to the point of assigning Fleet units to keep Pirates and Predators away. This policy had a certain...impact on Starfleet's operations, as it removed many of the more traditional sources for resistance movements, intelligence operations, and covert operations support in the operating region where Second Fleet was operating.
it also somewhat swamped Starfleet resources, as they had to deal with repeated heavy influxes of refugees that could not be ignored under Federation law.
B'Sanos's occupation zone was kept free of most of the violent reprisals, massacres and other such events that usually characterize a Klingon conquest. Instead of wasting warriors patrolling captured worlds, he found locals who would do it, and paid them. The impact was that his occupation zones did not absorb his combat resources to hold. He also brought in Klingons, mostly lower-classes or artisans, farmers and other 'inglorious' professions, to fill the gaps left behind by fleeing Federation Citizens.
His strategy, in short, was a form of assimilation, one that encouraged social mixing of new Klingon colonists with those Federation colonists who refused to leave, or elected to stay. This type of behavior is nearly unheard of, and was not prevalent in the other half of the Klingon front, K'Hugh's 3rd Fleet area, which had a much more predatory treatment of civilians, including reprisals and massacres, police-state tactics, and a refusal to allow civilians to flee.
The contrast was stark by 2406. B'Sanos was advancing thirty percent faster than K'Hugh, the Commoner was beating the Noble Scion in terms of sheer battlefield success.
The battle of Hromi Eight, the breaking of the 111th, 12th and 22nd Starfleet Fleets, was the key indicator to the High Command. In just over eighteen hours, the Klingon 2nd Fleet broke three Federation Fleet Groups-the largest counteroffensive launched by Starfleet since the Dominion War, and sent the survivors back to Deep Space K-7 in defeat and humiliation.
Notably, B'Sanos, in his after action report, spent hours giving credit to subordinate unit commanders, and claimed very little of the credit for this victory. It was Nobles from attached battlegroups who asserted that it was his plan, and his command, that had defeated Gordon Menninger's counteroffensive at Hromi 8.
This generated talk of raising B'Sanos to the Nobility. It also got him the rank of Major General, and additional units to replace losses. Not cast-offs as he had been using, but NEW ships, GOOD ships, with promising officers and crew.
The Borg attacks on Vega IX, and Ker'rat, deprived B'Sanos of a good friend for two years, when his Reconaissance commander Colonel K'Ragh, son of D'Ward, sent as many Klingon civilians as he could fit on the last ships he had functional to flee the system, while remaining behind on the planet.
B'Sanos persevered, taking another four worlds that year with nearly, but not quite, the ruthless efficiency he had enjoyed previously. His offensive slowed, which allowed K'Hugh to catch up and regain some lost glory.
The replacement of Gordon Menninger with Steven Alcott in the cluster, shifted the calculus again, as did orders from the High Command to let Third Fleet catch up. B'Sanos settled for consolidating his gains and obtaining development investments for the economy of the region under his fleet's control...and funding the evacuation of Federation civilians who did not want to live under Klingon rule.
This allowed him to, to a degree, manipulate Starfleet's analysis and estimations of his fleet's capacity, dispositions, and condition. during this time period, he also extended something of a hand to the recently seceded Moab Confederacy, five worlds in four systems that broke with the Federation on their own, and sought recognition from the Empire.
He treated them as allies against the Qa'meh'quv-the Undine, Species 8472, whose presence was suspected in the Federation's highest levels for a variety of reasons tied directly to findings from the Gorn conflict.
B'Sanos was looking to win more than battles, he was invested in winning the war...of which, the Hromi conflict was merely an extended battle.
The Alhena Counterattack he'd been waiting for for nearly ten years, finally materialized in 2408. Initially, Admiral Alcott's reforms in the theater, and his success against Third Fleet looked like it would pay dividends in a victory that would force the Klingons to the peace table. (Prior to this conflict, the Klingon Empire never consented to negotiation until they were losing.)
B'Sanos nearly broke Starfleet's counteroffensive using an ambush at their objective. It was only High Council interference that kept his defeat of Starfleet forces from being a massacre ath Alhena. He was ordered to allow some to escape, so that they could be finished off by "Proper House Forces".
Which said proper House forces (Woldan and S'kopa) failed to do.
But it was a victory, and a sharp one at that, for the KDF, regardless.
It set the stage, when the High Council met that fall. B'Sanos was raised to the Nobility, and given a seat on the Council for his successes-both in conquest, and in making that conquest valuable.
A hardline opponent of the Peace Faction, and aligned against rapprochement with the Federation, nevertheless, B'Sanos cast the deciding vote in the High Council, to offer peace negotiations to the Federation.
What drove this? among other things, the need to support counter-Borg operations with Taskforce Omega, and recent outreach to the Romulan Survivors in their struggle against the Tal'Shiar had something to do with it. but those are distant from the Hromi front.
B'Sanos cast the final vote, to pursue peace talks, and then, he provided the material aid and advisors to the Moab Confederacy to launch Operation: Son Tay-a prisoner rescue deep into Fluidic Space, with the objective of delivering the people taken by the Undine to face their leaders (who failed to notice their absence) on Risa, and thus, conclusively underline what he, and many other Klingons, saw as the real reason for the Hromi Conflict.
They would force the Federation admit they were wrong, and that this was not a repeat of Gowron's War.
To this end, he was allowed to attend the talks on Risa, as part of Major General Karrattak's staff. The events of the 'delivery' of 350 some Federation and Starfleet prisoners rescued from Undine captivity and interrogations, also saw B'Sanos forced to take over the Klingon Negotiations after the designated lead negotiator turned out to be an Undine Infiltrator.
He managed to obtain, at the talks, a 'freeze line'-The Federation would no longer attempt to reclaim worlds 'retaken' by the Empire, and would recognize, for the sake of the armistice, the Moab Confederacy as a sovereign nation, not merely a bunch of rebels, at least for the duration of the Armistice.
This got his occupation zone, and Third Fleet's territory, granted to him as his to govern on behalf of the Empire, his rival K'Hugh having proven...less worthy via a small case of killed for incompetence, and his returned-from-the dead Friend, K'Ragh, (whose identity was confirmed) elevated in that man's place.
The Reforms B'Sanos conducted in integrating the former territory of 3rd Fleet matched and mirrored his efforts in his own occupation zone, and would largely absorb his attention through 2311, when, for...reasons...he tried to start a civil war in order to prevent a new Federation/Klingon alliance treaty.
In october of 2311, B'Sanos was killed in an honor duel by K'Ragh, son of D'Ward, just outside the Monastery on Boreth. This ended his rebellion, but not, surprisingly, his legacy, which may have taken a beating due to his rebellion, but was honored by the man who killed him.
he left one ex-wife and two sons behind, both were taken into K'Ragh's Household as family members.
[more later, including references!]