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The War of the Masters Continuity

B'Tama (Daughter of Kobor) Trung.[]

B'Tama "Betty" Trung is the widow of MCDF Colonel Ngoc Trung, and a Klingon Immigrant citizen of the Moab Confederacy. She is also a decorated officer in the MCDF in her own right, as well as a former Governor of the Confederacy world of Cold Butte.

Species: Klingon.

Ethnicity: Klingon

House Affiliation: House of Kobor (Klingon Empire), later House Trung(Moab Confederacy)

Known Relatives: Ngoc Trung (Husband, married in 2410), Elizabeth Trung (Daughter, born 2413), Kobor Son of None (Father), B'Tara (*Mother)

Born: IKS Bahud Koloth (Vor'cha Block 3 refit) Imperial Year 4133 (Earth year 2489) Fivemonth, 22 Day (First City Standard time) 03:30 hours shiptime

Aliases: "Betty" Trung

Highest Rank Achieved: Brigadier General, Klingon Defense Force Temporal Operations (in that timeline), Captain, Starfleet (in THAT timeline), Governor, Cold Butte (followed by assuming Commodore of the Corps for the Moab Confederacy contingent, Prime timeline).


Height: 2.13 Meters tall

Weight: 121 Kilos

Build: Muscular (For a Klingon, even)

Career Path: Combat/Tactical and Security (Initially), Operations (later).


B'Tama was born aboard a warship, and that's how she grew up, going from assignment to assignment with her parents. By the age of 8, she was already highly self-sufficient, even for a Klingon child born into a commoner military family. Many other Klingons have ties to a Great House and heritage going back to the beginnings of the Empire (and many who don't, pretend they do.)

B'Tama's father's father was discommended, and her parents were initially conscripts in the 'National Forces' side of the KDF-that collection of the Disgraced sworn only to the Empire, rather than a Great House. It is said that sometimes a defect isn't a defect, and by the age of twelve, B'Tama had to have surgical alteration to regulate her body's physical growth due to a chemical exposure her mother experienced on the Kinshaya front. The result is, she grew up big. Big for a KLINGON. But not slow, and not fragile. She wasn't a great beauty by Klingon standards either-her ridges are too shallow, her face a touch too narrow, her build just a bit too husky and her mammaries proportionally small.

By the age of fifteen she was already serving her Warrior Apprenticeship as Security crew aboard IKS Val'Gyr under then-Major (later Colonel) D'Moj. with a guaranteed scholarship ride courtesy of her ship's commander's ties to the mysterious "House Methos".

Moab Secession Era[]

During the Secession and Defection of the Moab Confederacy, B'Tama walked as 'honor guard' for Major D'Moj, and helped guard the rebel leaders while travelling to Ganalda Station for a secret meeting with Chancellor J'mPok, where the agreement was struck for the Klingon Empire to recognize the Secessionist organization that would a few short months later, result in the Moab Confederacy.

After the political meeting, B'Tama attended Ty'Gokor Naval Academy, where she scored well in a broad selection of fields including unexpectedly well in Engineering and Sciences-though she graduated as Naval Infantry (Security and assault). She returned to the ship and command her parents served on in time to be brought along as part of the advisory force for Operation: Son Tay.

Son Tay Rescue Mission to Eryphis Station[]

It was during the bug-out from the Undine prison complex that she decided to set her sights outside her race, a choice that might have been scandalous not fifty years prior. She chose the shuttle pilot who pulled her team out ahead of the Undine Counterattack, and stopped to pull the survivors of another assualt shuttle in a daring, if somewhat foolish, act of Gallantry.

She picked Ngoc Trung, Coxswain and barely into his lowest tier Warrant Officer rank. She decided she was going to have that boy for herself.

After the Son Tay Rescue, while Coxswain Ngoc Trung was serving in a liaison role aboard IKS Val'Gyr II, she confronted him in the middle of the duty day, and...wel...she claimed him. Assertively, and using her impressive physique to intimidate any potential rivals in the crew.

An unusual circumstance. Trung insisted on a courtship before anything was made final, including arranging for his 'girlfriend' to meet his younger sisters by Subspace video call from the ship, as passing by New Saigon was not in the cards.

they were together for approximately two months before now-Colonel D'Moj was dispatched to serve as Imperial Security at the Owner's Meeting on Eryphis Station. This was how B'Tama found out that the man she'd decided was her Par'mach, was going to be dead, in agony, by the age of forty.

She didn't allow that to dissuade her, though she DID discuss with the Ship's Physician (Dr. Mary Moriarty) options for treatment that the Federation could not pursue, but Mad Mary might.

Between Mad Mary's efforts and an attempt by an enemy to 'turn' Ngoc (failed attempt) they bought extra years, and after the Battle of Betazed, B'Tama got pregnant and had to have the embryo put into stasis-storage.


B'Tama stayed shipboard during the combat at Betazed, and did not step off the ship until after they'd returned to 'Klingon Territory' in the form of Moab III, a place she last saw during the fighting in the Fek War (six month ground campaign to regain cities overrun by the Fek'Ihri) She joined her husband to work on the MCDS Ia Drang, a rebuilding project the Moabites called 'Blackbird'-converting an obsolete, post-Praxis, Pre-Romulan war K'Vort class into an exotic systems platform and Destroyer. She served as her husband's executive officer when the ship was scrambled to carry out the deep reconaissance that led to identifying and confirming the coming Goralis Rift predicted by project: Mountain Road.

During their temporary incarceration at Cardassian defense forces base Goralis 11, she assisted in organizing the defense of the base after a True Way attack nearly took the whole thing. This was not due to negligence, it was due to heavy True Way penetration of the remnant Cardassian Defense Establishment and an oddly timed attempted coup.

She further served in the fighting afterward, often acting as her husband's military alternate during the days long combat after the Rift opened.

Her husband had to sedate her, when he decided to take the ship into the rift as the only viable means of deploying the Schrodinger-Trung device-the device that sealed the rift and stopped the invasion.

She was naturally distraught at being forced to abandon ship with the crew, and furious with her husband for telling her what she later realized was a comforting lie. she realized he KNEW it was a one-way trip, he did it to preserve the last people he loved who were alive-her, and their unborn child.

Return to KDF Regular Service[]

After the loss of her husband at Goralis, B'Tama maintained for a while the belief that he might have somehow survived what he did, and brought their child out of stasis, giving birth in December of 2415 at the Klingon Base Ganalda, while assigned to the KDF Border Fleet's testing and research division.

This is where timelines sort of diverge, because of the actions of Phoebe Kian in trying to prevent the Temporal Cold War, Iconian Invasions, and the fall of both the Empire, and the Federation.

In one future, B'Tama took her husband's papers, reapplied to the sciences division at Ty'Gokor, to try and research a means to 'bring him back'. This version of her history was heavily influenced by Schrodinger accidentally letting slip that her beloved husband was going to be dying-but-never-dead, over and over again, past the heat-death of the Universe. She studied areas of Physics that had already been abandoned, and in the process, drew the ire of Temporal Investigations when she reinvented a technology for time travel that had been safely rendered a failed footnote. This B'Tama Trung failed a dozen times to rescue her husband, and was finally stopped when Q explained to her exactly what would happen if the rescue succeeded.

In another timeline, her attempts to understand her late husband's work were interrupted by the Moab Civil war, and later Iconian Invasion. THAT version wound up being nominated by Debra MacAulliffe for the Governor's post on Cold Butte, and served two terms, in the process having the chance to raise their daughter (who luckily had none of the defects or mutations of either parent.) After her tour as Governor, she 'retired' to serve as a military officer during the transition period after the plebiscite of 2421.

Whereupon, with a new office created after most of the Confederacy worlds joined the Federation as a voting block, she had to contend with being nominated, and then elected, as Cold Butte's representative to the Federation Council, a post she was compelled to serve in for over twenty years before she could persuade the Assembly on Cold Butte to give her a term limit.


B'Tama's base personality is somewhat introverted for a Klingon, and she had some 'social stunting of growth' in her youth, being deeply (For a Klingon) self-conscious of her appearance and physical strength, as well as having a bit of a 'softness' to her nature normally far less pronounced in other Klingon females. Point of fact, for a near-giant among her species, she was shy and compassionate by nature.

This does not mean she was submissive. It means exactly what it says. Her size helped her there, as the physical superiority meant many other Klingons felt...reluctant to test her.

(this had negative impacts on her mating chances prior to meeting her future husband. It's one thing for a woman to be fierce, it's another to know she can snap your neck with a slap.)

Being with Ngoc seems to have given her permission to be more assertive and creative, even giving her a sense she could display her intelligence rather than trying to bluster, threaten, or seduce.

She had a good 'hand' with non-Klingon personnel as a leader and officer, and managed to gain and keep the respect of Human, Gorn, Lethean, and even Nausicaan personnel, and she was exceptional at maintaining internal discipline during the Goralis Mission.


"In the Presence of Heaven, would you choose Hell?"


"A Family Matter"

"The Chase (season 1)"

"Faces in the Flames"

Mentioned by her (middle Aged, Adult) daughter in "No Fate"

{more later}
