Star Trek Expanded Universe

Commodore Barstow was a Starfleet flag officer active in the 23rd century. (TOS: "The Alternative Factor")

Orion Press continuity[]

While the canonical Barstow's given name was not revealed, in the continuity of Orion Press, he had the given name of Richard. In 2285, he would be the commandant of Starfleet Academy. In 2295, as an admiral, he would be chief of Starfleet Operations. (Orion Press: In Harm's Way, "bortaS choQ")

Starfleet Museum continuity[]

In this continuity, Barstow had the given name of Jonas and commanded the Valley Forge-class starship USS Tokyo in the 2250s. Tokyo is one of the Federation ships at the Battle of Axanar during the Four Years War.

Star Trek: Shadowstar Station continuity[]

This Barstow was a cousin of Nikolai Barstow.

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