Star Trek Expanded Universe

The Betazed system is a single star system located in the Alpha Quadrant. It is home to the Betazoid race, and is a strategically important system in the United Federation of Planets.

Astronomical Data[]

The Betazed system's primary is known by several names, including Beta Veldonna, Beta Zeta, and Hainara (its indigenous name). It is a bright yellow dwarf star of Type G2 V.

It was located in the Betazed sector. (The Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of Armageddon)


  • Eight (8)
    • Hynozad (I)
    • Veldonna (II)
    • Proxon (III)
    • Avandar (IV)
    • Betazed (V)
    • Darona (VI)
    • Khrysaros (VII)
    • Erion (VIII)

External link[]
