Star Trek Expanded Universe

Captain Casein Finnegan was the ¼ Vulcan Commanding Officer of the Magellan Station. (Star Trek: Prometheus: "M'Jallan")


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Service jacket[]

Red (DS9)

Captain, Commanding Officer, Magellan Station

Awards/citations and commendations[]

Bridge Officer Certification - Bridge Officer Certification
Command Officer Certification - Command Officer Certification
Operation Return Medal - Operation Return Medal
Dominion War Victory Medal - Dominion War Victory Medal

Background information[]

  • Images of actors are used to simulate the cast of the series. As a result Casein Finnegan is portrayed by Denis Leary.
  • The name of the character is a play on the names of the puppets Casey and Finnegan from the children's show Mr. Dressup and was intended as a tribute to the show and its star Mister Ernest "Ernie" "Mister Dressup" Coombs. During the initial planning of Shadow Agent, a since abandoned story, the use of the name Ernest Coombs was also considered as a name for the character that became Casein Finnegan.