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Cold Butte is another icy moon, this time locked in a 700 year orbital cycle around its primary. (The War of the Masters)

Average Temperature: 0 to -30 degrees Centigrade in the Temperate zones (30 degrees N/S to 60 Deg. n/s) with an equatorial zone boasting a balmy 25 degees celsius during the short summer months.

Population: 28.76 million (Planetside), 35 Million in the belts and orbitals.

Primary industries: Dilithium and Mineral Extraction: Heavy Industry and Manufacturing, light industrial production.

Population Breakdown:

Human/Earth Descent: 60%

Klingon: 15%

Lethean: 5% (and growing)

Karrank'Pth (Nonhumanoid sentient): 1%

Andorian: 4%

Tellarite: 1%

Romulan *(refugee):4 % (Note: after secession, Cold Butte, like Arluna, Moab III, New Saigon and Berun's world, extended citizenship to Romulan refugees who met a residency requirement of one year, and could show proof of employment and self-sufficiency)

Other: 5%

Cold Butte was established by a group of Wildcatters in the late 22nd or early 23rd centuries seeking heavy trans-uranic materials and Dilithium under the ice of the ever-present glaciers of the temperate and upper latitudes. Most of these adventurers came, dug, froze or starved and left. a few stayed every year, supplemented by Discommended Klingons and ex prisoners of war, adventurous cold-favoring races from the Federation, and often...shady...and lawless or misfit types looking to strike it rich or hide from warrants.

The industries, in turn, grew up from that, and when the Federation Council approved the deindustrializing of the Cold Butte system in 2402, there was more than a little fury, including violent incidents that required the deployment of Starfleet personnel and vessels to quell.

This included more than a few lethal incidents, and Colonial Governor Felix Rhodes had to supplement his personal security with armed external contractors (PMC's or Mercenaries) for the remaining duration of his term as Cold Butte's appointed Governor.

Those contractors proved to be...less effective than he might have preferred, as Felix Rhodes was assassinated in his bed in 2406, his throat was cut, quatloo coins placed over his eyes, and the words "Two Quatloos is the last bribe he will take" were written in his blood on the wall above the bed he was found murdered in.

No suspects were identified during the subsequent investigation by members of Cold Butte's elected Citizen's Advisory Assembly, a group whose very existence he had outlawed by decree several weeks before his death.

The Dominant Political parties on Cold Butte are:[]
The Nationalist Coalition[]
The Independence and Liberty movement[]

the Klingon "Honor and Family" party, (which serves as the 'right' to the Nationalists position as Cold Butte's 'left")


Debra Anne MacAulliffe, (2406 to 2415)-First interim governor during the provisional period after the secession vote, two elected terms, sued to prevent a change to the Planetary Charter that would have made her eligible for a third or successive term beyond the two elected terms she served. Debby Mac is most noted for her connection with the Independence and Liberty party, though she is also listed among the Nationalists in her official party affiliation. Her term is noted for being part of the conspiracy to secede from the Federation, and then for her part in leading the anti-Reconciliationist side in the Moab Confederacy Civil War, a role from which, she negotiated the 2414 Base Alpha Accord that ended the conflict and attempted to reunite the Confederacy worlds as one nation.

B'Tama "Betty" Trung: Klingon wife of the late Colonel Ngoc Trung, party "Honor and Family", elected 2415 in the December special election, her election was practically foreordained, being nominated for the election by the very popular Debra MacAulliffe and having her Cold Butte citizenship confirmed, obligating her to both run for the office, and serve in it for the duration of her time IN office, to the exclusion of any and all sundry other activities or duties. B'Tama Trung's term in office is notable for her involvement in seconding military personnel and forces to the Federation/Klingon Alliance forces in time to participate in the Klingon Civil War, as well as her moves to advance economic and other relations with the Klingon Empire and Cardassian State. She would hold the 'second first lordship' as Donald Odelaw's partner and successor for the Moab confederacy from 2418 to 2420 (the end of her first term as governor), and she would nominate Valinon T'Vresk (Romulan, ex-refugee, Arlunan "Good Government" party) to the Junior First Minister's post opposite Odelaw, carrying 6 of 8 seats of the Governor's Committee (3 abstained, including Base Alpha).

Betty Trung's time as Cold Butte's governor would see the end of the Moab Confederacy as a Nation, as worlds within it were annexed to the Federation, Romulan Republic, or Klingon Empire by plebiscite vote. She is noted for making the transition to Federation jurisdiction without bloodshed or violence, despite her open opposition to the move. (she would later be appointed to serve as Cold Butte's representative to the Federation Council, a seat she would hold for the next 24 years.)

Prominent Citizens of Cold Butte:[]

K'ragh, Son of D'Ward.[]

General K'ragh was a senior officer in the Klingon Defense Force and commanded the combined Border Fleets in the 2410 through 2421 period. His earlier career includes service in the Klingon/Federation War as a commander of some reputation and capability. In January of 2416 K'Ragh married Debra MacAulliffe, the ceremony was held literally one day after she handed the Governorship to her successor at a small chapel in the Miklnuk township overlooking Cassiel Glacier. K'Ragh's military career is worth a file on its own, and will not be fully detailed here, aside from two things:

K'Ragh is one of the few genuine Klingon Intellectuals in the present day, complete with authoring multiple books on forbidden and unpopular aspects of Klingon History, including "Foolish Notions" and "History Is Not Legendary". He is one of the few men to still remain alive after having more than a dozen authored volumes placed on the Imperial Black List.

His present status is officially "missing", but there are pending charges involving both Klingon authorities and Starfleet Intelligence. It has not been revealed what he did to get both the United Federation of Planets, and Chancellor J'ula to issue orders of "capture if possible, terminate if necessary", but speculations revolve around what, exactly, the Klingon Empire's second most successful combat commander in the Hromi Conflict found out when he ended the life of his best friend (General B'Sanos, former Councilor to the High Council, who declared unilateral civil war.) The fear that whatever it may be has potentially motivated General K'Ragh into a similar position remains unknown, as does his whereabouts. His wife, former Governor MacAulliffe, has refused to disclose knowing anything about it.

K'Ragh became a Citizen of Cold Butte in 2414, and assumed senior field commander's role for the joint MCDF and Homeland Security forces. He was known to be an excellent planner and organizer, with a flair for devising training and intelligence networks. He will be missed.

[Author's note: K'Ragh was assassinated by agents of Starfleet Temporal affairs after he let slip that he had seen evidence that the Praxis incident was no accident. His body has yet to be found.]
