"Come the fall, a Change" is a story set in the "War of the Masters" fan-fiction timeline.
The story is mostly about the political aftermath of the Moab Confederacy's defeat in the Pentaxian Border Conflict ("A Property Line Dispute"), and interference by rogue external forces in the special elections called in that aftermath.
The Primary point of view in this story is mostly taken up by characters intended to represent relatively ordinary people on Moab III, though it does shift to characters who would later become important in later storylines.
This story sets up and executes the 'trigger' for the Moab Confederacy's internal civil war.
Main Characters:[]
Carleen 'Char' Morris (a small business partner in Vin'sn's Vid and Game Lounge)
Jena (Carleen's business partner, a Chameloid)
Anskaya "Skye" Morris (AKA "Skynet", a prolific Dataslicer and underground reporter) (former Ensign, sciences, NCC-1701-D, taken by the Borg and not recovered until much, much, much later. Carleen's Great-Aunt, though she passes as her mentally disabled sister)
Carlos LaRoca (Jesu LaRoca's father, a former Starfleet Intelligence Commando)
Donald Odelaw (soon to be elected governor, Moab III, Reconciliation Coalition)
Quentin Heywood (Semi-official State Advisor to the Governor, Moab III)
Kathryn 'Kate' Mulvaney (Clinical Psychologist, also Moab III's sitting governor, facing removal by special election)
Cham Nguoc, Commodore, Commandant of the Corps, Moab Confederacy Defense Forces
Major Themes;[]
Political instability
political violence
clashes between public ideals and private lives.
Surviving the clash of idealists in the streets.
Family ties and interactions in a crisis
Family secrets
Original Story Post:[]
Stories happening simultaneously/intertwined with this story:[]
"Strictly Business" (Knightraider6 and Patrickngo)https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/1164405/strictly-business-a-war-of-the-masters-side-story/p1