Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

Concordia University (Lyran classification: research university) is an university in Montreal, founded in 1974.

The 300 PHYSUM-supplied physicists that took to the streets in the Klingon version of Tuition Crisis used to train anti-riot police expected reinforcements to come from Concordia University. (Star Trek: The Stoneship Files: "Rode the 300")



CUTV logo

Its student-run television network, CUTV, even went so far as to cover nightly protests live during the 2012 Quebec student strike.

Faith Kingsford once worked as a reporter for CUTV before joining the Starfleet News Service. (Star Trek: The Stoneship Files: "Cruchitude Dump")


Alongside Edouard Montpetit College, Laval University and the University of Montreal, Concordia University had students (and their unions) on unlimited general strike in 2012 to protest a $1,625 tuition hike over 5 years proposed by the Quebec government, under Jean Charest, later raised to $1,778 over 7 years, losing more student-days to strike than all other anglophone colleges and universities in Quebec combined, and going on strike for more than six months.

Concordia University was also home to the Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema, a film school.


  • Faith Kingsford

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