Star Trek Expanded Universe

The Cosmos-class was a Federation explorer class starship which began development in 2379. (Star Trek: Pioneer)


While the USS Voyager (NCC-74656) was in the Delta Quadrant, the crew discovered a new type of propulsion technology, dubbed the Quantum slipstream drive. Starfleet Command, in agreement with the Federation Council, concluded that a new class of starship was needed. Hence the Cosmos-class starship; Similar in size of two Nebula-class starship.


In 2380, Admiral John Hayes was aboard the USS Guanine (NX-88708), the Cosmos-class prototype, when there was a malfunction during the ship's Quantum slipstream drive testing trials. Commander Taylor Ferguson, the ship's executive officer, Admiral Hayes, and the entire engineering crew died in the explosion. ("The Teacher")

After the accident, Starfleet Command halted the test flights. Test flights were schedule to resume in late 2382. ("For Better or Worse")

