Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe
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Damien Erickson was a male Human Starfleet officer in the 24th century, who held the post of Executive Officer on board the USS Courageous . (Star Trek: Courageous)


Served as X.O. under Courageous’ former C.O, Captain Harold Windsor for 3 and half years, joining the crew just before after the Klingons and Cardassians came to blows, and despite being his first X.O. position, expected to be offered command of a ship of his own after supervising it’s refit. Harbours some resentment for being passed over for command himself, feeling his time aboard should have earned him that right. Cocky and arrogant at times, especially when dealing with his new commanding officer, but has earned the respect of his junior officers, due to his habit of leading from the front. Having come up through the security division of Starfleet, he has seen a lot of direct conflict, and has many a scar as a result.


  • Born: 8th May, 2339
  • Age: 36
  • Birthplace: New Toronto Colony

Service History[]

  • USS Bonaventure, Nebula-class, Chief Security/Tactical Officer (Lt.) (2369-2372)
  • USS Gandhi, Ambassador-class, Chief of Security (Lt.) (2367-2369)
  • USS Excalibur, Ambassador-class, Assistant Chief of Security (Lt.) (2365-2367)
  • Advanced Tactical Training (Lt, jg) (2364-2365)
  • USS Tian An Men, Miranda-class, Junior Bridge Officer (Lt, jg) (2362-2364)
  • USS Copernicus, Oberth-class, Junior Flight Controller (Ensign) (2361-2362)    
  • Starfleet Academy, Cadet (2357-2361)


See also[]

External links[]
