Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

The Debrune were a Vulcanoid civilization, regarded as a predecessor race of the Romulans of the Romulan Star Empire. (TNG: "Gambit")


One of the planets where the Debrune had a foothold was Altair VI. By the mid-22nd century, Earth and its colonies saw the planet as an archeological tourist attraction. (The Romulan War: The Romulan War (Part 1))

Two millennia ago, the Debrune had an outpost on the planet Barradas III. In 2370, the numerous archeological ruins, which the Debrune had left behind on Barradas, were raided by the mercenary group headed by Arctus Baran, who were seeking fragments of the Stone of Gol, on behalf of a Vulcan isolationist movement. ("Gambit")

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