Delta-1 Gruis III was a Class M planet, the third planet of its star, that was apparently seeded by the Preservers.
- Delta1 Gruis is a binary star 309 light-years from Earth. The brighter component is a G-type variable star with an absolute magnitude of 3.99-4.2. The fainter component has a magnitude of 12.8.
A municipality to which a USS Potemkin landing party beamed down resembled one from the southeastern region of the United States of America during Earth's mid-20th century. According to Lieutenant Commander Quentin Caley, the planet's civilization was B-minus on the Richter Cultural Scale: heavy use of fossil fuels, and no use of nuclear or solar power.
- The film was shot in Americus, Georgia.
The planet's G-class star emitted a neutron radiation burst on stardate 9735.9. The nearby USS Potemkin's deflector shields had been able to protect the ship and crew from the deleterious effects of the radiation, but the inhabitants of the planet had no such protection. (Project Potemkin: "Ashes")