This article is a listing of persons who died during the course of the Dominion War
- MACO Major Jonathan Davis, MACO commander USS Lambda Paz, First Betreka Nebula counterstrike
- Admiral Borren D'gret (Starfleet Seventh Fleet commander, Battle of Tyra)
- Admiral Koaddar Ma'adeen (Starfleet Tenth Fleet commander, Battle of Betazed)
- Captain Jessica Murrow (CO, USS Cibola during a Jem'Hadar ambush at Svandroth)
- MACO Sergeant Dinara Nowitzki, USS Lambda Paz, ambush on unnamed planetoid in the Tong Beak Nebula
- Captain Roger Osmont (CO, USS Carpathia, Attack on Carrier Alpha-26)
- Commander Rixx (XO, USS Lapon, Battle of Cardassia)
- Lt. Commander Jean Sinclair (Diplomatic attache, Starfleet Headquarters, Breen Raid on San Francisco)
- Captain Timothy Sinclair (CO, USS Ulysses, Second Battle of Chin'toka)
- Ensign Ngaer (Thirteenth Order [joint Cardassian-Starfleet rebel force], Battle of Lessek)
- Lieutenant T'Ruveh (Thirteenth Order, Battle of Lessek)
Klingon Defense Force[]
Romulan forces[]
- Due to the Vorta being clones it is possible that several of the Vorta listed here "died" more then once during the war.
- Arawil (Vorta commander aboard the Trager, killed by rebel Cardassians)
- Dasreen (Vorta commander aboard the Sherouk, killed by rebel Cardassians)
- Weyoun (Vorta) (on four different occasions)
- Yelgrun (Vorta) (on at least two different occasions)
- Janek'ajan (Jem'Hadar First, killed by rebel Cardassians aboard the Sherouk)
- Makut'amak (Jem'Hadar First, killed by rebel Cardassians aboard the Trager)
- Otan'irix (Jem'Hadar Third, executed by First Teron'tokal for insubordination)
- Romat'ison (Jem'Hadar Fourth killed during the Siege of Sector 21607)
- Taimak'toral (Jem'Hadar First, killed during the Battle of Ricktor Prime)
- Teron'tokal (Jem'Hadar First, killed during the Siege of Sector 21607)
- Ulin'talag (Jem'Hadar Second, executed by First Teron'tokal for insubordination)
- Volet'aval (Jem'Hadar First, killed by the Thirteenth Order in the Battle of Lessek)
- Legate Corat Damar (former leader of Cardassia turned rebel. Raid on Dominion Headquarters during the Battle of Cardassia Prime.)
- Dalin Lakur Haravl (head of maintenance, CUW Trager, Battle of Rondac III)
- Gul Igrun (CUW Prenkar, Septimus Massacre)
- Legate Met'Orn (commander of the Eleventh Order, Septimus Massacre)
- Gul Pettar (killed during First Battle of Chin'toka)
- Gor Remegh Sorabec (security monitor working with the Thirteenth Order, Lessek base.)
- Ragoç Midzour Prashek (Thirteenth Order, Battle of Lessek)