Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

Donatu V was the fifth planet of the Donatu system. It is located near Sherman's Planet and the Federation-Klingon border. Donatu V, as well as the rest of the region, was under dispute from First Contact through the late 2260s.


The inconclusive Battle of Donatu V, one of the few brush wars fought between the two powers during the Federation-Klingon Cold War, was fought here on April 5, 2245. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles")

The date of the battle varies in different fan continuities.

Confrontation Group Aleph, commanded by Ismail Supriyanto aboard USS Arcturus (NCC-1337), was one of the Starfleet battle groups present. ("The USS Arcturus in History", Star Trek: Avenger: "Belonging", Star Trek: Shadowstar Station: Timeline)

This battle effectively brought to an end the brush war called the Hapspear Conflict (Sometimes called the "Hapspear War"). (Tamerlane)

Important events[]


The 23rd Light Armored Group or, "Wolfpack", is led by the Destroyer USS Tamerlane at the Battle of Donatu V (Tamerlane)

  • 2245 The Battle of Donatu V which found Klingon and Federation vessels in direct conflict is fought in Donatu Space. During this conflict, the USS Tamerlane is badly damaged and her captain Kie Habu is killed. (Tamerlane)

Notable births[]

Notable deaths[]

  • 2245 - Kie Habu, Captain of the USS Tamerlane is killed during the Battle of Donatu V.

Background information[]

External links[]
