Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

The Drai (or Hunters) were an alien humanoid race in the Gamma Quadrant, from the same home world as the Tosk, a prey-species they respected and hunted as part of their cultural honors. The Drai had yellow skin and corrugated foreheads. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)


In 2369, a Drai Hunter ship pursued a Tosk into the Alpha Quadrant, through the Bajoran wormhole, onto Deep Space 9. There, the Tosk was helped to escape the Hunters by Miles O'Brien. (DS9: "Captive Pursuit")

While the Hunters were there, someone who would later join the Maquis stole Drai technology and a copy of their Drai AI. By 2374, a lone operator named Spencer for one of the last known Maquis cells on Moghren III, had secretly built two fleets of joint Maquis-Drai drone ships in the Phengroth system, intending to strike the Federation, but was quickly thwarted by the USS Phoenix-X. (Star Trek: Phoenix-X: "Cookies")

In 2376, Drai Hunter Elshada pursued a Tosk who had taken refuge aboard the courier starship Even Odds. The Hunters later learned the Tosk was on the Eav'oq homeworld and killed him. (DS9 novel: Rising Son)

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