Star Trek Expanded Universe

Drayson Hardgrove was a Federation Starfleet Intelligence officer and Fleet Captain, stationed on the USS Gambit in 2752. (Star Trek: 001)


In the year 2749, Hardgrove was at the beginning of his three year marriage to Samantha Halliwell. By 2752, they weren't together anymore. ("The Last Place You Look")

Sometime before 2752, Hardgrove gained an informant in Admiral Miasha Jenco's assistant, Lieutenant Cade Clayton, who was born addicted to the drug sifren of which Hardgrove supplied for his loyalty. ("When It Rains...")

In 2752, Hardgrove intercepted Michael Larkin's distress messages from Bajor, and called on Halliwell to rendezvous the USS Pollux with the USS Gambit to pick Larkin up. When he met Halliwell again, he invited her to his quarters and gave her a birthday cake. ("The Last Place You Look")

Later, Drayson intended on fortifying an allied arrangement with the Smuggler's Coalition and the Orion Syndicate to support the Federation against the Alliance. He met with Lattrel Ottel on a regular basis, to relay routine intel through him to the Smuggler's Coalition. ("Alone")

Drayson met with Admiral Blaine somewhere to go over plans of recruiting Michael Larkin. He later asked Ottel and Mkrdij to ready Coalition ships for a battle with the Alliance. He then learned, from his informant Clayton, that Starfleet Command was developing time travel technology in order to stop the Alliance from being formed. He intercepted a communique from Admiral Leonard from Starfleet Medical to Admiral Jenco that confirmed this information and forwarded it to Admiral Garrison. ("When It Rains...")
