Star Trek Expanded Universe
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The Emergency Medical Hologram Mark Four (EMH Mark IV) is an holographic program deployed on the USS Prometheus, known to the crew as "Emmie" - a nickname, based on the name of her program. (Star Trek: Prometheus)


The Emergency Medical Holographic Program AK-1 Diagnostic and Surgical Subroutine Omega 323 Mark IV, of the starship Prometheus personalized her appearance, expanded her personality subroutines and took the name of Emmie all with the blessing of Captin Logan MacLeod, in an attempt to diferentiate herself from the other Mark IV EMHs and so she could relate better to the crew and guests onboard the Prometheus.


"Please state the nature of the medical emergency."
— Emmie (Upon activation)
"I'm the Mark Four Emergency Medical Holographic Program, but you can call me Emmie."
— Emmie


Images of actors are used to simulate the "crew" in Star Trek Prometheus. As a result The EMH Mark IV is portrayed by Melina Velba.
