Epsilon Indi is a binary star about 12 light-years from Earth with at least three habitable planets. It is the home system of the Draylax. (Star Trek Star Charts)
It is often mistakenly thought of as the home system of the Andorians (Star Fleet Technical Manual), though the two Andorian "homeworlds", Epsilon Indi IV and Epsilon Indi VIII, were originally colonies. (The Andor Files) Epsilon Indi VI was a Federation member in the 24th century. (TNG novel: Ghost Ship)
The tidal effects of Epsilon Indi's binary brown dwarf companion made at least the fourth planet geologically unstable. (EXT: "The Tressaurian Intersection")
At some point in history, the system was the target for a band of marauders from Triacus. These marauders were eventually fought off by their victims. (TOS: "And the Children Shall Lead")
The Tarl were from Epsilon Indi. (TOS novel: Planet of Judgement)
- Per Star Trek Maps, Triacus was the third planet of Epsilon Indi. The FASA module, The Federation, asserts that Triacus is the third planet of Alpha Lyrae, also known as Vega.
External links[]
- Epsilon Indi article at Memory Alpha, the canon Star Trek wiki.
- Epsilon Indi article at Memory Beta, the non-canon Star Trek wiki.
- Epsilon Indi at Wikipedia