Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

Lieutenant Erin McGwynn was a scientist in Federation Starfleet service during the early 24th century.

McGwynn was a laboratory technician (archaeology/anthropology) on the USS Avenger, her first assignment out of Starfleet Academy, beginning in 2303. (Star Trek: Avenger: "The Circle") When Tawny Taylor was assigned to Avenger in 2306, the two became roommates. ("First Impressions")

McGwynn's first landing party was during the Avenger's survey of UFC-18249-IV in October 2303. She was part of a team that discovered the first of a number of stone artifacts on the planet, and requested that Judith Waidlich (then executive officer) come down to the planetary surface. ("The Circle")

By February 2310, she had been promoted to lieutenant junior grade and reassigned as an archaeology and anthropology officer. McGwynn served in a landing party on a ringworld in Sector 27473. ("A Ringing Announcement")

McGwynn had been promoted to full lieutenant by December 2313. During the Avenger's mission to FGC-8712-IV, she was part of a landing party to explore a facility located in what appeared to be a military-style bunker. ("The Beacon")
