Star Trek Expanded Universe

"Face the Kramp'Ihri" was the twenty-ninth "unofficial" episode of Star Trek: Phoenix-X and the fourth "unofficial" episode of the sixth season. It was the twenty-ninth Star Trek: Phoenix-X entry for the Star Trek Online: Unofficial Literary Challenge and was the only Star Trek: Phoenix-X entry for the forty-second challenge of those unofficial challenges. It focused on Captain Elektra of the IKS Valentine.


Captain Elektra meets the Kramp'Ihri in Q's Winter Wonderland.


"Kramp'lhri, forget the Watcher! Run away with me!"
Captain Elektra


Background information[]

  • Much of the Kramp'lhri and Watcher dialogue is taken directly from Star Trek Online's "Face the Kramp'Ihri" side quest, in which the challenge itself was based on.
  • Menchez appears in this story after being blackmailed and his crew and ship held hostage in First City, Page 3.

External links[]
