Emblem of the United Federation of Planet.
Founding members[]
The Federation was founded in 2161. The founding members included:
- Homeworld of the Andorians and Andorian Empire.
- Homeworld of humans and United Earth
- Homeworld of the Tellarites
- Homewolrd of the Vulcans
Federation members[]
The following were known to be members of the Federation:
- Joined in the 24th century
- Homeworld of the Betazoids.
- Homeworld of the Benzites
- Homeworld of the Bolians
- Homeworld of the Caitians.
- Joined in the 24th century, and first non-Alpha or Beta Quadrant planet to join the Federation. (Harry Potter and the Return of James T. Kirk)
- Homeworld of the Trill.
- Homeworld of the Shar'talans.
See also[]
External links[]
- Federation members article at Memory Alpha, the canon Star Trek wiki.
- Federation members article at Memory Beta, the non-canon Star Trek wiki.