Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

Frank Riker was a Starfleet officer from the 27th century. (Star Trek: Mirror Wars)

Frank Riker went into Starfleet Academy at the age of 21. Graduated top of his class. Trained for command and got the duty of tactical officer aboard the USS Striker five months after graduation. Served with his future wife on the Striker and married in the year 2574. Was promoted to lieutenant.

In 2575 and had a son that same year. He was transferred off the Striker and away from his wife to the USS Kelborn in 2580, where he met Ensign William Deker. They became friends, but in the year 2585, the Borg attacked with a dozen cubes. The Striker was destroyed in the battle, but the Kelborn survived and delivered the destructive blow on the lead cube, sending the remaining five cubes into retreat.

With his wife dead, Riker was kept out of depression with Deker's help.

Because of his victory in the Borg attack, Riker was promoted to captain, and in turn, promoted Deker to commander. Riker and Deker served together as captain and first officer of the Kelborn until 2592, when Riker was promoted to admiral. He headed a few projects at Starfleet Command until 2600 when he retired from Starfleet. He came out of retirement two years later after the death of his son and the mirror universe invasion, to help the war effort.

His ship, the USS Unlimited, joined the First Fleet, along with the USS Majestic. When the Majestic was taken over by a spy, the Unlimited chased after it. The Unlimited tractored the Majestic to the Thorn, an unstable area of space, where Starfleet planned to cross over to the mirror universe and attack.
