Star Trek Expanded Universe

Frontier Day is a holiday observed by the United Federation of Planets that honors the initial launch of the Enterprise (NX-01) on its historic mission as Earth's first Warp 5-capable exploration vessel.

In 2401 (the 250th observance of Frontier Day), a plot by Changeling infiltrators and the forces of the Borg Collective led to the assimilation of a vast majority of Starfleet vessels that were gathered for Frontier Day observances and all Starfleet officers under the age of 25 Terran years old.

Only the combined forces of the rebuilt USS Enterprise-D and an armada working for the mysterious Scarlett Army were able to stop the incident, which would become known as the Frontier Day Disaster. (PIC: "Võx", "The Last Generation", 30 Worlds: Royal Megaforce: "Masters of the Ultimate Power")

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