Star Trek Expanded Universe

Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois in 2012

Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois (GND) was a Klingon-made hologram that was a character in the holographic program Tuition Crisis, delivering translated versions of the infamous speech given on March 22nd, 2012 in front of 200,000 protesters in Montreal's Old Port, many of which were students on strike to protest a tuition hike. (Star Trek: The Stoneship Files: "The Defector")


"Mr. Bachand, you're wrong when you say that the student movement will crumble; in the next few weeks, we will be even more students than ever in the streets, we will perturb more than ever in Quebec, Mr. Bachand, Mrs. Beauchamp and Mr. Charest: open your eyes, you are surrounded, you have only one option: RE-CU-LEZ!"
— GND at the mega-protest in Montreal


GND is, in actuality, the co-spokesperson of the CLASSE, one of the four major student unions that coordinated the 2012 Quebec student strike, a position he held until August 8th, 2012.
