Star Trek Expanded Universe

Captain Gan Laikan was a Starfleet line officer who served during the 23rd century. Laikan was the commanding officer of the USS Asimov from 2255 to at least 2265. (Ship Recognition Manual, Volume 4: Starships of the Original Series Era)

In later life, Laikan became a jurist on the Federation Supreme Court.

In the early 24th century, he served at least one term as President of the United Federation of Planets. (TNG Slings and Arrows e-book: Enterprises of Great Pitch and Moment; TNG novel: Articles of the Federation; Star Trek: Avenger: "A Shining Planet") He was the second Centaurian to do so, after Richard Lorvahl a century previously. (FASA RPG: Star Fleet Intelligence Manual Agent's Orientation Sourcebook)
