Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

Garldyr Gwendyn was the Commanding officer of the USS Xerxes in the late 23rd century. (Star Trek: The Intrepid Adventures)

Early life before the Intrepid[]

Garldyr was born on April 27, 2215 human calendar time on the planet Zymur.

Memorable quotes[]


  • 2215: Garldyr is born on Zendal on the planet of Zymur.
  • 2232: Garldyr enters Starfleet Academy.
  • 2236: Garldyr graduates Starfleet Academy and is promoted to Ensign, his first assignment is the USS Phoenix as a weapons officer.
  • 2240: Garldyr is assigned to the USS Pegasus as a Biologist.
  • 2243: Garlydr is promoted to Lieutenant junior grade and assigned to the USS Lucifer as Assistant Chief Engineer.
  • 2247: Garldyr is assigned to Deep Space Station K-3 as a security officer.
  • 2249: Garldyr is assigned to the USS Cosmos as a helmsman.
  • 2254: Garldyr is promoted full Lieutenant and assigned to the USS Beagle as a science officer.
  • 2258: Garldyr is assigned to the USS Hannibal as chief helmsman.
  • 2260: Garldyr is promoted to Lieutenant Commander and assigned to Starfleet Headquarters as a security officer.
  • 2265: Garldyr is assigned to the USS Delta as a Chief Helmsman.
  • 2272: Garldyr is promoted to full Commander and is assigned to the USS Intrepid as the command officer.
  • 2272: Garldyr assumes command of the USS Xerxes.

Service record[]

Cadet (2250s) Cadet 2232-2236 attended Starfleet Academy
Officer (2250s)
Yellow (2250s)
Ensign 2236- 2243 assigned as Tactical officer on the USS Phoenix, and the USS Pegasus as a Scientist
Lieutenant junior grade
2243-2254 assigned as Assistant chief engineer on USS Lucifer, Deep Space Station K-3 as a Security officer and USS Cosmos as a Helmsman.
Lieutenant 2254-2260 assigned as Science officer on USS Beagle and the USS Hannibal as Chief Helmsman.
Yellow (TOS)
Lieutenant commander 2260-2272 Security officer at Starfleet Headquarters and Chief Helmsman on theUSS Delta.
Yellow (TOS)
commander 2272 Chief Command Officer on the USS Intrepid, Commanding officer of the USS Xerxes.

External links[]
