Star Trek Expanded Universe

The Gelomira was a generational warship from the other side of the Milky Way Galaxy as part of the Trozonian Empire. It traveled 248 years to the Alpha Quadrant in order to destroy all life on Earth. (Star Trek: Phoenix-X)


In 2127, the Gelomira was launched on a mission to destroy the humans of Earth. By 2375, it arrived in the Sol system and attacked Federation defenses. The Gelomira disabled the ships and crews of the USS Cedar, USS Blue Nose, USS Shark, USS Sun Light, USS Grolier, USS Bautista and the USS Jenova. It was eventually destroyed when the USS Phoenix-X redirected the ship into the sun. ("Bio Level 4")

Bio weapon levels[]

The bio attacks were external vessel weapons, fired in a gaseous state, designed to also harm the crews of enemy vessels. ("Bio Level 4")

  • Bio Level 2 acted like cloudlike phaser beam and was green.
  • Bio Level 3 was an attack enough to effect Changelings as well as humanoids.
  • Bio Level 4 caused extreme pain to selectable alien/humanoid species. It could pass through shields and seep into ships.

Command crew[]
