Star Trek Expanded Universe

Great Britain was a nation state located in the Northwest European Archipelago on Earth.


The formal name and geographical extent of Britain has varied.

  • From 1707, the Kingdom of Great Britain covered the whole of Great Britain (the island).
  • From 1800, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland included the whole of Great Britain and the island of Ireland.
  • From 1927, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland comprised Great Britain and part of the island of Ireland.

Many human cultural artefacts, including the English language, originate in Great Britain and were widely disseminated during a historical period when access to relative high technology (for the time) allowed this nation to impose its norms on other countries.

Star Trek continuities

In the 2050s, World War III devastated Earth: 600 million were killed and many of the major cities destroyed; the governments and legal systems largely collapsed. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint", "A Matter of Time"; Star Trek: First Contact)

The ultimate fate of the nation state is not made explicit. It may be that Scotland, England, and Wales exist as geographical areas within the United Earth, with no legal entity corresponding to Great Britain remaining.

By the 23rd century, the main cities are habitable: Montgomery Scott was born in Aberdeen and Jo Harris in London, for example. (Starship Exeter)

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