Star Trek Expanded Universe

The HMS Bounty was the name given to a B'rel-class Bird-of-Prey that was captured by James T. Kirk in 2285. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)

The ship started out as the IKS DaH'la and was under the command of Commander Kruge. (Ship Recognition Manual, Volume 4: Starships of the Original Series Era)

In 2285, the ship destroyed the USS Grissom in orbit of the Genesis Planet as Kruge attempted to gain Genesis technology. The bulk of the crew were killed when they were tricked into boarding the USS Enterprise, which self-destructed. After Kruge was killed Kirk and his crew were able to seize the ship. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)

Following its crash landing into San Francisco Bay during the Whale Probe Incident in 2285, the Bounty was recovered, restored to operational condition and placed into the Fleet Museum. There was a delay between the crash and recovery because, as noted by Seven of Nine and Jack Crusher II in 2401, the Bounty's Cloaking device had unexpectedly reactivated. (PIC: "The Bounty")

In 2401, and like her sister Fleet Museum exhibit ships, the Bounty was pressed into service to supplement a Scarlett Army fleet in its final confrontation against the Army of Inter-Universal Chaos. (30 Worlds: Royal Megaforce: "Masters of the Ultimate Power")
