Star Trek Expanded Universe

Haganah (The War of the Masters)[]

The Moab Confederacy's intelligence agency. Haganah focuses on Foreign and foreign-influenced threats, or 'threats external to the Confederacy'. For a small agency, it is remarkably well organized, and relative to the size of the nation they serve, quite competent within the main region in which they operate.

That said, the whole agency wouldn't make for a single sub-department of a single bureau compared to Starfleet Intelligence or Klingon intelligence, and they 'miss a lot' due to the sheer lack of resources available to them, with some prominent blunders including, but not limited to, the failure to identify the world of "Panjun" on the border of the Pentaxian Dynasty as being the property of the Pentaxian dynasty.

The agency also failed to identify and intercept the covert sabotage that led to the Moab Civil War until it was far too late for anything but funerals and recriminations.

That said, some of their mistakes could be construed as successes, including thwarting The Circle's attempt to assassinate Starfleet Admiral Kanril Eleya on Deep Space Nine at the cost of a single operative.

And this shows where Haganah's strength is-they're very, very, good at covert operations. The massacre of Orion Cult leaders on Drozana Station crippled a number of initiatives by the Cult of the Good Masters in the Beta Quadrant.

In the words of a former Tal'Shiar analyst who defected to the Romulan Republic, "...the Moabites have an outstanding wetwork program wrapped around a blind and crippled intelligence agency..." (Former Subcommander Silbva T'medra to the Federation subcommittee on foreign intelligence)

This reputation for blindness and incompetence has actually worked strongly in the agency's favor, and overlooks their almost omniscient qualities when it comes to hunting Pirates and Slavers who prey on targets in the Hromi Cluster and adjoining space.


Haganah originates in and among first-in colonists at Moab III, in particular expatriate Yisroel (Israeli escapees from the work camps of Sinai in the late 21st century). The name of the agency, in fact, is a call-back to pre-1948 zionist nationalists in the Levant. During the period after rediscovery by Starfleet, Haganah was a mostly underground effort to exert some form of native sovereignty, and was central to what later became "The Movement" on Moab, but early in this period, they also began making contacts outside of the Moab system (Moab III and New Saigon), using black markets and gray markets as a vector to gather foreign intelligence, arrange covert access to regulated technologies, and identify threats.

This soon expanded to helping organize 'sister agencies' among dissatisfied colonists, including the Belt Fenian Brotherhood, Sons of Liberty, Whitehorse Militia and Arluna's "Association for Neighborhood Protection".

For the bulk of its existence, Haganah was a clearinghouse that occasionally ran small operations, mostly in preparation for a time when their homeworld would break from United Earth once more.

During the Cardassian War, Haganah sought out Bajoran resistance, first to learn from them, and then, to help support them while Starfleet and the Federation dithered. This aid was small in scale and minor, but it hooked them into groups like Khon-Ma and the Bajoran resistance as an ally and conduit. The trading of favors extended into the post-occupation, as Haganah's smugglers and contacts helped a number of Bajoran extremists avoid arrest by both Starfleet and their own government in exchange for help developing methodology and tactics of resistance.

This is compounded by who ELSE they were working with in the 2360s and 2370s. The disastrous attack by the Obsidian Order on the Dominion, and subsequent Dominion conquest of Cardassian space, folded several Obsidian Order operatives and Maquis members into a hellish, devil's bargain that in turn added those methods to Haganah's portfolio as well as both techniques and sources.

Believing the Klingons[]

When the Klingon Empire declared the threat of Qua meh Quv (Undine, or Species 8472) infiltration, Haganah was one of the first non-Klingon groups to believe them. as a result, Haganah assisted Klingon Intelligence in identifying likely infiltration targets and groups. This in turn influenced the organization's relations with Klingon Intelligence, and when the Gorn war was over, Haganah's analysts helped Klingon Intelligence identify worlds likely to change sides without needing to be conquered (thus freeing up KDF forces to focus on more effective resistance). Haganah served as the conduit for K'Ragh's missions to Moab III, Arluna, Cold Butte, New London, Nuvok Colony, and several other worlds that had been on the lowest priority for Starfleet protection prior to the war and during it.

Hunting Slavers[]

Haganah was critical to the Moab Confederacy's antipiracy campaing targeting 'rogue' Orion slavers and various other groups taking advantage of the chaos of the Federation/Klingon conflict to rob, rape, murder, enslave, and massacre in the Hromi Cluster. Cooperation with Klingon Intelligence helped separate targets and identify markets, 'fences' and financiers profiting from the tragedy, horror and chaos that was the front line of the war.

Mountain Road[]

The code term "Mountain Road" (translated from several different languages) covers a multinational effort to identify and address incursion points by the extradimensional entities known to the Orions as "The Good Masters". This effort, including both intelligence gathering, and direct action operations absorbed most of Haganah's resources between 2408, and 2414, leaving very little for more 'normal' foreign intelligence work including updates of non-aligned nearby powers. The Agency successfully confirmed analysts' worst predictions mere minutes before the Fek'Ihri attack on Moab III. In terms of intelligence, it was too late...but it was still ahead of Klingon Intelligence estimates. Data from that formed critical links in allowing the joint planning operations that led to the successful action at Goralis III.

P'nJ'n Failure[]

The obsessive monofocus on the areas Haganah did well, led to a complete blunder in 2411 and 2412, as they failed to identify valid Pentaxian claims on a moderately sized class M world on the border of the Pentaxian Dynasty. The failure is only more complete, due to the fact that they were unable to identify the altered interstellar mapping data as being manipulated, and underestimated the severity of the Pentaxian response to an incursion.


Haganah is structured in cells, with operatives and officers referred to, even in internal documentation, by code names and phrases. The nominal department heads use code-names associated with Angelic names in the hebrew bible and apocrypha. many operatives, particularly covert or direct action operatives, also utilize 'angelic' names, or code names from Earth's distant past.

This has made the agency rather good at detecting and preventing infiltration and identification of operatives in the field, though it is similar to both practices by Khon-Ma and Obsidian Order operations.

The 'head' of Haganah is typically referred to as "Ariel" and has no publicly documented status in the Confederacy Government, nor is there a documentary paper trail suitable to unmask this person.

That said, failures have occurred and at least three Haganah operatives, including the acting station chief for their operations on Earth, have been identified by Starfleet Intelligence or Federation Security Agency efforts.

These include:

Meyer, Zaki (Earthside station chief, 2409 to 2412)

Cu'ong, Anh (known Haganah operative, also former short-term ambassadorial consul to the UFP from 2411 to her arrest as a terrorist in 2412)

Chu'an, Ben Li (Former MCDF Infantryman, Discharge Kid, dead on DS9 thwarting the assassination of Kanril Eleya)

Nung, Amanda J (Siegfried AA, formerly active Moab Marine, immigrant to Bajor, believed inactive or retired)

Hernandez, Minh (mixed Betazoid/human heritage, telepath, dead of DNSS, believed to be involved in the agency's anti-slavery efforts)


There are more questions than answers about Haganah's structure, methods, and actual (as opposed to public) effectiveness. What IS known, is that the Agency divided along ideological lines during the Moab Confederacy's civil war, with signficant portions of their active personnel aligning with the Reconciliationist Coalition. How sincere that defection was is open to debate.

(references to be added)
