Star Trek Expanded Universe

Starfleet Admiral T'yla (service number JH 949-537) was the commander of Starbase 592, the closest Federation outpost to the Charybdis sector. (Star Trek: Intrepid)

Early life and career[]

Harek T'yla was born on Bolarus in 2337 (Terran calendar).

Family and personal life[]

T'yla was a Bolian, the former captain of the USS Discovery, where Aaron Prentice served as his first officer. T'yla recommended Prentice for promotion, and for the Charybdis assignment.

Memorable quotes[]

"Terrible thing, senility."
— "Heavy Lies the Crown"


Background information[]

  • Harek T'yla was played by fan actor Jeff Hayes in all of the character's appearances on Star Trek: Intrepid.