Hyronalin was a medicine that could counteract radiation poisoning in many living beings. (TOS: "The Deadly Years")
In 2367, USS Prospect Chief Medical Officer Doctor Justin O'Donovan included hyronalin in the away team's medical pack to combat any effects of epsilon radiation poisoning to the team while on Matalia on Rychri. (Star Trek: The Prospect Chronicles: "Honor Thy Father")
In 2385, USS Cole Chief Medical Officer Doctor Henglaar ordered Doctor Vonus to administer hyronalin to the Romulan colonist Tobel to counter the radiation-altered Andromedan microorganisms killing the girl. (Henglaar, M.D.: "Profit Without Honor")
External links[]
- Hyronalin article at Memory Alpha, the canon Star Trek wiki.
- Hyronalin article at Memory Beta, the non-canon Star Trek wiki.