Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

The IKS Bochnah was a B'rel-class Klingon Defense Force warbird involved in an officer exchange program with the USS Phoenix-X in the late 24th century. (Star Trek: Phoenix-X)


In 2378, the Bochnah was attacked by a Borg cube until their only changeling crewmen, Shoon, was abducted. Soon after, the Bochnah ended the Klingon-Federation exchange program. Separately, the Bochnah assisted the Phoenix-X in luring the Borg to the Onnicon homeworld in order to get Shoon back. The Borg were quick to realize the uselessness of the Onnicon to their collective consciousness after a handful of Onnicon were assimilated, and left back towards their previous destination. ("Destiny's Revenge, Part I")

The vessel underwent crippling damage after a fire fight with a Reman vessel in 2380. It was so beyond repair that it was decommissioned by General Verticon, who handed over a new ship for the crew, the IKS B'Cnah. When the crew moved over to the B'Cnah, they used that vessel to destroy the Bochnah. ("Forged in Something")


Command crew[]

Additional crew[]

Klingon Defense Force personnel[]

Starfleet personnel[]

  • Keyla (2374-2380)
  • Joe (2374-2380)
  • Alegra (2374-2380)
  • Morris (2374-2380)
  • Jessica (2374-2380)
  • Housto (2374-2380)


See also[]

Background information[]

  • Shoon was the changeling second-half of Shane, both of which, as one entity, were one of the hundred sent out by the Founders.