Star Trek Expanded Universe

The IKS Dragunov was a Birok-class Klingon Defense Force starship in the early 25th century, under the command of Captain Kronen. It was part of the Galorda Defense Fleet, under an umbrella command from Galorda Outpost. (Star Trek: Phoenix-X, Star Trek Online: Unofficial Literary Challenge)


In 2410, the Dragunov rendezvoused with the IKS Roku of the House of Groth and the IKS Kleckogunam of the House of Tochi on a mission to establish trade relations. ("In Their Footsteps")

When the Dragunov encountered the AKS Dragunov from the Mirror universe, both Kronens were temporarily beamed away to be confronted by the Prophets and mirror Prophets. ("Beware False Prophets")

Command crew[]


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