Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

The IKS Jon'ka was a Vor'cha-class attack cruiser under the command of Captain Korbus for the Klingon Defense Force during the Kessok Incident 2378. (TNG video game: Bridge Commander)

However, in 2401, a joint effort by the Iron Fang and the Dark Star Counties captured the ship as part of a Klingon convoy that also comprised a Kuhnri-class freighter and the GHS Marianela, among other ships. (Star Trek: The Stoneship Files: "At the Soapbox Races")

When the Klingon Empire reached peace with the Lyran Star Empire, along with the IKS Kartadza and the IKS Pterodactyl-of-Prey, the Jon'ka was returned to the Klingon Empire in order to ferry Klingon prisoners of war taken by the Lyran Starfleet. (Star Trek: The Stoneship Files: "The Defector")

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