Star Trek Expanded Universe
Star Trek Expanded Universe

Insidious plots are revealed.


The would be assassin is in custody. He is a high ranking So'ja intelligence operative. And he won’t talk. Captain Kelsoe and Commander Tuff along with Starfleet Intelligence Agent Peter Bradford must uncover the terrifying plot that is being planned by the Coalition. And an old enemy returns.

Key events[]

Memorable quote[]

"Assume, that is what you fleshy creatures do. You assume that you have rights. Bah! You had no right to come to our world and tell us how we should live and govern ourselves. We had been living perfectly fine for long before you came. Our government and society were fine. Until the Federation came and ruined everything. You and your ideas of rights and equality. Ka’al had never heard of such words. We were ruled by a king, and it was glorious. We had pride, worth, merit, substance. But then you Federation come with your technology and your ideology and tell us about freedom and equality. You encouraged revolution, and set up a puppet government that you dared to call a democracy. Democracy is not for the So’jan people. We are not human. We are So’ja!"
So’jan operative So’han during his interrogation by Commander Peter Bradford after the attempted assassination of President Korvin Mot.


First appearance[]

External link[]
